
Janet? I took Prozac before the FDA approved the crap.

I am not being JUDGEMENTAL--But Iknow a lot about addiction and especially Mental disease. My whole family is whacked to the Max

look-if you want my 2 cents which is 30+yrs ofthe best doctors hospitals etc but most important my experience--You e-mail me and put a phone to it.

I cannot explain my logic through writing --you have to listen and its logic -very difficult but you MUST get off the meds--there killing you--I know this for fact--one by one you can wean and maybe you just need?? I am not sying to discontinue ANYTHING but from you write on this board man your me except I nevr mainlined coke? Why?

LOL as a salesmans mentality major waste of a great drug at the time--Now Janet balls in your court----Lots of ways to get healthy taking meds? NO

I I loathe reading probably such a cool loving mom being destroyed--E-mail me --if you want and give me a day to respond--up to you--suboxman@aol.com -I will not read anymore of this stuff as you need to stop writing and start taking action.

All my support and love--Jeffrey

Janet you have to help yourself--and it all falls into place -I SWEAR ON MY KIDS LIVES but man itshard having pain mental-addiction your me with Breasts--God bless you--Jeff
Jeff, I AM taking action. I have an appt with a top psychiatrist in April. I have an appt with a psychologist on Friday. I also see my therapist every Thursday. Rome wasn't built in a day and I sure as hell am not going to get off the drugs in one. I tried that, ended up hospitilized.

Hon, I do appreciate your input, I really do. I'm working on it. I truly am.

Just curious, has someone emailed you a list of my meds? Because it just seems like you are really jumping the gun. And I wouldn't put it past some people to do something like that. I have lost a bunch of trust in a few people lately.

Jeff, I'm not going to die by April, well, can't say that for certain, but I'm pretty sure I'm not.

bumps0@comcast.net if you want to email me.

Just know that I am working on things. I'm not in a big city so things take time.

ps oh and I ask about someone emailing you this info only because I was accused of something that I did not do....I was told by this person that they didn't want to take the time to go through old IM's and emails to prove that they were saying the truth. I find it disturbing that someone feels the need to save emails AND instant messages, don't you?
No Jnaet nobody e-mailed me Jack--I just am telling oyu my experience--I have nothing to hide--you name it I ahve taken it--

I know you goingto a doc in April but Puck its January--Janet I type and talk all day--I come to this board when I am done with my day calls eat kids etc and read. I care about you ibecause I know the hel your in.

Janet I am suffering like a mother getting off serequel keeeping my meds prednisone at 10-15 mg a day I suffer in pain all over and all I can tell you is its so much better off the opiates benzos A/D

Janet opites stop working take them however you build a tolerance and then rebound pain its awful. Maybe your situation is different but? only you know --

I hate writing so just e-mail me and we can talk? If not? My life goes on.

I only post here and offer my experience is because I swore I would whenever i was capable.

I am despite al ot of serious health issues in a better place than ever in my llife. I ahve been on all these meds that people are looking for help.

How can i jsut go away and not be here to help one person? It helps me as well. Bujt I do it because I understand that without fellow addicts helping others the ywill die and eventually me the addicgt would be alone--its pure simple logic.

Also good people look to help others for no reason at all. Thats me-Janet

Good night its miller time as in the comedian on Bill oreilly


P.S Forgive the spelling