
LOL I didnt want to "bust up"that thread with a different topic.I enjoy it like that with sports.

Anyways,Im glad you asked because my Dr office started something new & I was wondering if others are doing this.

First Im down to 12-16 mg a day & if you remember where I was thats something.I am in no huge hurry.little steps...hell baby steps if it keeps me from abusing.My goal (if I dont go totally off)(Which I DO think about now)anyways,my goal is to settle at between 4-8mg a day.I know I know that may still be alot more than most & like I said I may just try going off it someday.But for now I admit it...its like my securty right now.right or is what it is.

Ok now for my Dr thing.....I went Monday & they have this group I HAD to join if I didnt ...then no more Sub.Its called "HERE TO HELP"..and its like having a sponcer only this one calls & checks in about life & stuff.They have a web site you can join(which I did)to help with tools & such.

To tell the truth...Jeff for me right now in my life this is a perfect thing for me to be involved with.So Im glad its something I HAD to do.
Guess I was wondering if any other Drs are doing this.

How are YOU doing Jeff?
Sabrina I am doing okay. Some good days some bad. I take each day and make the best of it.

I was curious if you ever tried dropping down to that 4-8 mg Just a suggestion. I know you have been on it a long time. The stuff is pretty strong..But hey if you feel you need it and life is manageable I am sure you and your doc know what your doing. I just hate to see you struggle with the sub when you may find you do not need that much.'

Take care --Jeff
Hey MJ, good to see you are decreasing your dose of sub.

Not all but most addiction doctors not only require some type of program to go along with sub, i.e. 12 steps, etc. they require drug testing or patients are out of the program.

Also private insurance companies will also require to keep paying for visits/meds.

Brooke is right and if a dr isn't doing it, he's irresponsible and not doing you any favors. Sub is a wonderful thing but it's not a cure, it's a crutch. The real miracle happens when you add a program of recovery. That's when you get well.

Jake's dr is very strict. He requires and checks up on Jake about meetings. He even called Jake's sponsor. Now, I know there's a way to get around all of that but who are you hurting? Not the dr, not the insurance Only you.
Hi all...I nevrer thought Id say this but ALOT of days now I daydream about maybe someday comming off it totally.NEVER thought Id say that.....Lisa your righr about it being a crutch.....but in my life Ive always...done ok..than binged.and as I get older it seems the binges are worse..(remember last year)

Im actually very glad to be in this new program.therapy has never been easy for me.

Jeff so far I havent tried to get that low.My next goal is to get to 10-12 mg than just keep working down.In my case both my Dr & I agree to go as slow as I can...It gives me something to keep working at.

What I do know & can see is my energy level & my depression is less on the lower dose so that must mean something (less is more)

I suppose all I or any of us can do is keep trying & looking ahead....Thats just what Im going to do.

thank You Jeff for asking.I havent kept up with the board much so I didnt realize your dad passed...Jeff Im very sorry for you & your family.But from what youve said on here I can tell you made your dad proud & your a good son.Lisa has my email addy if ever you want to talk/

take care