
Jewels I just wanted to say I agree with you about being on Sub that your clean. I know for a fact the drug changed MY brain chemistry as I know longer crave any drug or Sex or gambling. Its amazing and when i read all this bashing about suboxone it kind of bums me out.

People stating your not clean? cause your taking suboxone. Who is anybody to judge? If suboxone can kep your life manageable? is that not the goal?

I would be DEAD--God I am so grateful for that little orange pill.

Let me tell you and this is the fact regarding ME. If I thought i could take Oxycodone for all the freakin pain i have i would. But I cant as oxycodone would lead to alcohol and I would be off to the races. Also My tolerance to opiates for some reason is assanine.

Today I deal with pain emotions "Life on life's terms without drugs. All because of that sweet pretty little orange pill. In my early recovery I had spurts where i would have some wine or a few beers. But the alcohol does nothing for me and has sugar. So its kind of banned for me.

Just like chocolate and other foods. I am taking care of my body like a intelligent human being would. Sure I struggle --EXAMPLE caffeine cant stop drinkiung coffee. In fact I have increased my daily intake. I just love coffee. So its my one vice for today.

Regarding the NEWCOMER considering Suboxone

If people want to come and bash suboxone and judge people? F-em there issue .

I hope that ANYBODY considering suboxone considers it only with a addiction specialist and AA and therapy are very important in early sobriety IMO.

I say this all the time to anybody who is looking for help.

If you want to get sober you must be willing to do a lot of things that take guts. Change is very difficult.

I am a totally different person for the better yet I have so much growing to do. But I am amazed at how different I am today.

Hey if the addict is willing to chase recovery the way we chased our drug? well then you will win.

Think about all the energy we put into being an addict. The lies manipulation all the chaos energy spent??

well hello use that same energy ,drive, will, that you used to be an addict and CHASE RECOVERY -That's the simple version. But man getting sober takes BALLS--and we all have a set.

Good Friday I am off to pig out with my little girl. Life is awesome.


hey jeff
it was because of your positive posts about your experience with sub as well as catherine's and the others that kept me hopeful about sub when there were posts that scared me to death stating sub was the worst thing a recovering addict could do.
i remember my early days of recovery scared to death about me taking sub and it was your positive posts that kept me hopeful. thank you for that. i still have yet to see whats gonna happen at the end of this treatment plan but i am trying not to project and keep it at one day at a time and i know God will see me through anything. i always get scared about lifes problems and i always have to be reminded faith, julie faith, that should come natural for me as much as i Love the Lord but satan always tries to side track me and get me not to believe.
i hear you on the problems that schools are having today, i prayed for my sons safety after the columbine incident and then thought it would be safer once they were in college but now theres virginia tech. you know what? its gonna happen anywhere now, mcdonalds, the grocery store, church, this is how corrupt man has become and i can only imagine what the Lord must think as He looks down on us and wonder why He hasnt ended it all when i think that there could be nothing worse than what has already happened in this world and then i am suprised to see that more worse things then i could ever imagine can happen and will. the only way i cope is to ask God to activate His legion of Holy angels to surround my sons and family with safety and to know that the Lord walks alongside us everyday. God bless each and every one of you bye jewels.
Jewels thanks that means a lot. Way to many people have in the past posted ridiculous stories pertaining to suboxone.

Jewels the drug is not for everybody. But when I read the bashing its troubling. Its an excellent medication if used correctly under an addiction specialist supervision.

Its a lot of hard work in the beginning as you have a new med in your system all your old meds are gone and BOOM its time to get to work. Recovery is by far the hardest fight I have on a daily basis.

Jewels its coming up on 3 yrs for me since I hit the sub doctor. 3 yrs man. June 2004. WOW time flies

Jewels I spoke to my daughter last night as she has S.A T this morning. 7AM WTF why so early??

Anyway she told me the school though open most kids stayed home. And the school put a security guard to follow the kid on school property.

I am sure they have or will get a search warrant and determine this kid out. He is in special ed kids make fun of him?

Hey they caught it early that is a good thing.

Jewels enjoy your day
