
Hadn't seen you around lately, & was wondering how you were doing. Sounds like you're "doing" just fine! Good on you woman!
How is your husband coping with you being off the team(so to speak)?
How did you go through with it knowing he still has some, still using?
this is part of my excuse of why I have yet to stop- my fear of hubby being mad at me, guilting me, manipulating me, you know?
Any words of advice, or encouragement sure would be appreciated!
Congratulations on doing it Stacey!
And Ali was right, you DO have allot to offer, nevermind what an incrediably strong woman you are!
Take care,

Hey girly. Thanks for asking, but I'm afraid I'm gonna cave any minute. I'm so down about other things in my life and I've got horrible nerve pain shooting in my leg and to top it off it's that time...so i am feeling broken. I don't know what I'm going to do, i'm just going a minute at a time. A day is too long if you know what I mean.
Email me anytime.

See I didn't even answer your question,my mind is gone. My hubby is saying he wants to stop, but i've heard it all before. If I don't quit first,i don't see him ever quitting. He had knee surgery 8 months ago and is still getting his monthly script... tell me how that works?
It pisses me off cause I will feel descent and then he'll start talking about getting some just for this day or for the weekend... whatever the excuse. He plants that seed in my head and then we fight and I start feeling like I'm going nuts. Good luck to you. This is harder than I could describe.


You stopped taking the pills because you were abusing them...but NO ONE should expect you to live with the pain...i know your medical condition and there is a REASOn your dr gave them to you.

The point is not to abuse them....and for some especially those that took them without having real pain....that means never again taking narcotics ever again...

Can you not have someone you trust give them to you as needed??

Have you tried a new type of non opiate pain pill??

Talk to the Dr about your options....ive recently begun having pain again too...the original pain...and i forgot how bad it is..i really did....if i get to the point where i cant take it anymore..and im close..last night i was up at 5 in the norning, pacing and crying and almost hysterical with bone pain.

Hubby brought up a valid point,. i could give HIm a heart attack just watching me go through this, and two...if i was to kill myself, would i be happier knowing i did so just because i refused to relieve my pain???

would i die PROUD that i had NO narcotics in ME??????

We are no good to one another dead.

I can hear it in your emails and posts how much you are suffering too...please see your Dr...your in a tough spot love...but NO ONE shold have to live with debilitating pain....NO ONE....thats just ridiculous....

At what price "sobriety"...certainly not a life....

You have a gun in the house and that scares me, had i had a gun last night i might have used it...please get help now honey...no one has a right to judge your pain or your choices..

