Judy You Must Read Please

Jdy everytime i read what you answer back,it always seems to hit home.That is really weird to me.Have you every looked up above for answers then all of the sudden the seem to be put right in front of you?Well that is what seems to be happening with me with you.I don't mean anything by this except Thank You.You seem to have the right words when needed.Not only for mine but also when i read others.I rea dtheir comments back to you.I just wanted to write this and say thank you from all that you have helped.How long have you been seeking help for your own issues.I haven't been looking that long and already you have made me feel better.Thank You again.God bless
Thank you for the uplifting post. I'm glad I have said something that has helped you. I get a lot of encouragement from this site too.
To answer your question, I have been in recovery of one kind of another since the 80's. I'm an adult child of an alcoholic, and that in itself causes a lot of distortions and preceptions in thinking and and plays out in behavior. So I have worked on issues for years and continue to.
I believe God led me to 12 groups and the recovery process, just as he leads me today when I am yeilded and listen to his voice.
I know exactly what you mean by what you said about God knowing what we need and then someone sharing about it or saying something. I believe he knows our needs before we do.
Keep me posted about your son.
