
Look man,I just wanted to tell you I had to put my 14 year old Lab to sleep today.He had a mestsized cancer in his mouth I didn't even know about.It took me completely by surprise.He had been eating,playing etc. but the last two days I noticed drops of blood.I looked at him this morning and his jaw was swollen and it looked like a major infection was going on.

I rushed him to the 24 hour animal hospital and both vets concluded a cancer had developed and the only thing to do was rush him to A&M and have part of his jaw cut out.I couldn't do that to a 14 year old dog and then him maybe only live a couple more years with compromised eating capabilities etc.

I feel guilty,mad,depressed and mostly sad I just lost one of my best companions.My other lab is walking around the house looking for him.He was the best dog I've ever owned.I loved him.I guess I'm telling you this because as I recall you went through the same thing a couple of months ago.

I picked up a f***ing cigarette I was so upset but that's not going to help.I'm going to go spend some time tonight with my friend Steve who has a blind dog.

I've had 5 dogs put to sleep and this sure doesn't get easier.Yeah,I've been bawling like a big baby.I just wanted to share that with you & hope you're doing o.k.

Tim, I am truly sorry. I have dogs to and one is getting old (13) and I know how attached you get to them.
I hope you can find something to do today to ease the pain.
Again, my heart goes out to you and your dog. That's horrible.
I know this post probally doesn't mean much right now, but I thought I'd reply.
Take care
Lynn-I appreciate it so much.Thank You.I have to get out here though.I see his water bowl and just lose it.Also I just was thinking of Julie because she went through something like this recently.Many people have dogs on here so I'm sure you know where I'm coming from.Lots of dog lovers on here.

God grant me the serenity not to drive to the SPCA today.

Thanks again Angela,I keep forgetting to call you that.
Tim That BLOWS but 14 years for a lab is a good life, My ZOE pure White Lab tim died at 8 yrs old from food poisoning.My Ex spent 3 grand trying to save her but the liver and kidneys were damaged and her prognosis was all bad.

Not sure if you remember the bad dog food that was allowed on the shelfs but sadly thats what the vet said killed her??

When i first moved out I drove 3 times a week 90 miles to see my dog ---I miss her and when I got the call from my ex I cried like a baby.

Not sure how old your other dog is but my ex had just bought another lab and a year later zoe was dead so she went out and got a golden for jake the lab and he perked right up.

When Zoe died he just sat on her mat and sniffed her bowl.gain sorry for your loss. Losing a pet and I am a dog lover SUCKS.

Hang in there man --Jeff

Tim, Sorry to read about your loss. That is tough. Our family would be just as devastated if we lost our Golden. Hang in there and again I'm sorry. I know your dogs mean alot to you. Shantel
Shantell not to change subject but how bout them COWBOYS???
Jeff, LOL What can I say just wasn't our year again. Still gotta love them Cowboys. Glad to read you are back to work and things are looking up for you. I will say a prayer for your dad. He is quite the fighter. There is no doubt in my mind he will overcome this latest hurdle like he has all the others in the past 3 years I have been on this board. Best of luck to the both of you. Glad to read your girls are doing good. They are quite the beauties. Shantel
Thanks Shantell & Jeff

Cosmo.........born 1994.........died January 10,2009

Best friend I've ever had

user posted image

P.S......Jeff,I'm glad you're feeling better.I can hear it in your post.
Hi Shantell--Thanks the old man is one tough mother-Pucker.

regarding the football season man I am shocked as usually you win the super bowl and the next year its like ? you just usuall blow.

We give away shockey lose the best defensive lineman in football in first preseason game strahan retires--I mean look at there schedule? it was brutal and they were 11-1 unrtil it all caught up with them. Man they played great this year no matter what happens in the playoffs.

They also are well managed under the cap and resigned some key players locked up our defensive backfield which is awesome. We will dominate the NFL East for a few more years. Eli is a real tough Kid.

Philli beat us at home once so obviously they have a lot of confidence but if the Giants do not make many mistakes they will crush Philli.

Your cowboys? Bill Cowhler says he will not coach next year but I feel Jerry Jones will go after him big time. if not next year then 2010 for sure as he must improve on coaching as the new stadium? Prices are crazy.

Looking forward to all the games.


You take care of yourself Shantell.

Aw, Tim, I'm so sorry. I don't know what else to say. I would be so sad. Hang in there and be grateful for the time you had together.
Awe Tim, I have big tears in my eyes. How sad hun. I have never had to put down any of my animals but I have lost them to various things. My last Dog I gave to my Sister to watch during a transition in our lives and low and behold she sold him! That was almost 8 years ago. I haven't talked to my sister since. I miss the Dog like crazy we all do, the sister, not so much...lol! He was a pure bread husky named Kito I had him since he was 6 weeks old and he was almost 5 when we lost him.

You did the right thing, that is really very selfless of you. Take it easy on you okay. He is in a better place.

Hope you are doing good too Jules. Let us know when you get a second.

I'm sorry Tim. I know what a big comfort our pets can be and how much they become our family. I also know the pain of losing them. I've lost many over the years but I had one that was my absolute favorite and could never be "replaced". That dog went with me everywhere, even to work every day with me. I lost him over 2 years ago and it absolutely broke my heart.

There are no other words to say except I am sorry. And I wish I could take your pain away.

Take care.
Hi Tim - It's like losing a family member for sure. Animals bring so much joy. I am really sorry but I think you made a selfless decision. Cry all you want.
Tim, sorry to hear of your loss. I measure my worst days on the planet as those when I lose a dog.

I am on my third golden retriever, Boomer. When I lost Jack, his predecessor, I paced around the house for a couple of hours beside myself with grief. My home was so empty without him. I decided to look at golden retriever breeders just to think about another dog someday. Long story short, Boomer came into my life 36 hours after I said goodbye to Jack. Boomer stands for Boomerang. Jack went out, Boomer came back. I treat each day like it is his last and I dread the day that I lose him.

I hope I am not opening the wound, Tim, but I can tell you from experience that nothing salves the lost of an old dear friend quite like a clueless little puppy who doesnt even know where to pee.

Hang in there, friend. You will never forget him and you will never replace him. But there may be another special buddy out there somewhere waiting for you to find him.

Dear Tim,

I am so sorry for your loss. I never ever thought I would be a "dog person" until I got Sammy my Jack Russell a few months ago. I am disabled and now I say partially disabled because he has got me up off my couch and doing things again. He's smart, funny and it had been years since I attempted to take a walk and now I walk daily with him even in this freezing cold and snow. I never understood the human/dog connection before but now I do.

So please accept my sincere condolences. I know you are grieving his loss and it is painful. Remember the good times dude and maybe you can even paint a picture of him someday in his honor.

My sympathies,
Jan Jack russells are such great dogs. Good for you.

Tim are you going to get another dog? You mentioned you have another Lab who is sad. Same thing happened to me. The ECX replaced Zoe immediatly and Jake the other Lab was so happy. Now they got a cat as well.

Its a bummer but you will figure it out I am sure.

Have a good day.

Man sometimes Florida is paradise--just spoke to all my family back in N.J/Long Island and there freezing snow etc and here its going to hit 80 and not a cloud in the sky. I LOVE IT

Hang in there Tim

How are you doing today Tim? It must be so hard cause you didn't even know that he was sick. I've had it both ways. My Dad suddenly and my Mom drawn out. The sudden death is so hard on the ones left behind.

Dogs are 100% pure unconditional love. They just give and give and give never expecting anything in return. I'm so sorry. You and your other dog can comfort each other.

Tim,So very sorry to read this. I've had many, many dogs come and go, but never had to go through what you are. Just know he had a good life and was well loved and cared for.
Here's to better days ahead..........xoxo, Carol
Beautiful dog Tim, you did the right thing. I'm sorry for your loss.
Tim, I am so very sorry. Our last dog died of the same thing, his tumor grew so large so quickly that it made one eye protrude. The day we put him down he couldn't lift his head to drink from his dish...just like that within only 24 hours. Couldn't bring myself to allow another pup into my heart for 8 long years. We buried him in the backyard.

See some friends and have a good long cry...or more than one. You didn't let him suffer and you loved him until the very end...that's all they ask.

Peace and Conmfort ~ M&M