Hey Julie......I emailed you the other day & just today I got something back saying unable to deliver email. Did you get it? If not, I will resend. Thanks!
yes it did come thru. love ya jewels
yes it did come thru. love ya jewels
Not that one............I sent one several days ago & for some reason I just got a notice yesterday saying it didn't send. I re-sent it this morn. I've been having some problems with my email. I'm not getting some either.
hmmmmn, i wonder why your emails to me are getting returned???? i just checked my email and i did get the one titled "ramble" i read that rhonda and i totally understand! i am off to church this morning but i do want to respond back to you on that email. hang in there rhonda, will say a prayer for you in church this morning. love ya jewels
Thanks Jewels for your prayers. I need em!