Just Blew Me Away...

Hi guys
Wanted to share this incident with you as it really blew me away:

I have been fighting a losing battle at work for the past few months with someone who is owing me money and Im just not getting it. Now this person knows about my last relapse as it affected my work. Anyway, so yesterday I confronted her and I said look whats happening with my money. And she said that I wont be getting it.

So we had a huge argument here, then all of a sudden she blasted me with well hello, look what you were spending it on with the hugest smirk on her face. I cant believe that someone would stoop so low as to use my personal stuff against me just to get out of owing me money. What she meant was I shouldnt get the money because I just waste it anyway. I have never had anybody take my addiction and shove it in my face like I am just a nobody who deserves nothing because I have a rough past.

I am so angry and I just cant get over the audacity of this woman, who took my weakness and poked me with it just to hurt me. I am clean for crying out loud! What the hell can I ever do just to show people that yes I screw up, but so do they and all because my screw ups are a little bit hectic and has some stupid stigma attached to it, I dont deserve to have it used against me. And I just cant believe that I let someone get deep down into who Angie is and I am promising myself right now that I will never ever let anyone get to know who I am because they will just use it against me one day.

I am so angry right now, I cant help but be so sad because my addiction has now given me some stupid image that I deserve nothing because I get hooked on drugs. And people are going to milk that for all its worth. How dare someone take my weakness and use it as ammunition against me when they know how I feel about it

Just because your an addict that doesn't mean your not a human with rights & feelings.This person sounds like they have their own issues.I don't know how much this person owes you but lets face it we all could use extra cash.The fact is if she owes it to you thats that.It doesn;'t seem like its their business what you buy with it.Drugs or flying monkeys that $$$$is yours.If by chance you can;'t get it back well than youll know the next time this person comes looking for some cash to just turn them away....mj
Hey whats up??? Keep your head up. If she cant afford to pay you back, you're in better shape then she obviously is..Plus look at it this way-you gave her Xamount of dollars to keep her out of your life.. She isn't really a friend anyway, because a "Real Friend" wouldn't hang your issues over your head like that.. It sucks getting burnt with money because nobody is rich or wealthy in here, but it happens to the best of us... Forget about the money you paid a bad person to stay out of your life.. good luck in life..
hi guys
Sadly, this stupid person has got so much cash its scary. She is like a big-shot in the company, so she earns big bucks. But its always the people with the money that are stingy hey...
i got told also that she will have her day and what goes around comes around, but I don't see that happening. But I have to live with it I suppose.
I know its none of her business what I do with my cash, but I still can't get over the fact that she would use my 'stuff to screw me over'. Thats life though. I'm really in serious minds about leaving here. I really like the company, but if there is an issue its difficult to get it sorted here. My boss doesn't come in for days on end (even often weeks), so its hard to pin him down to talk to him...
anyway, I will stick it out and look for somewhere else to go where i will get rewarded like i should.
hugs & kisses
Don't do anything rash but please let us know how it goes.You could tell her...."Its mind over matter,you don't mind cause she don't matter.And yes I am a firm beliver in what comes around goes around.take care....mj
Hi Angie
It looks like you are accepting her excuse for not paying you the money she owes you.
Don't accept it!!! Tell her flat out it's money she owes you and you expect her to pay you back, no excuses.
Her character should be the one in question here, not yours. It's none of her business what you spend your money on and she can only use that excuse if you let her.
She should have the responsibility to pay her debts, period.
I hope it works out for you and I'm sorry she made you feel like that, but don't let it get to you. You should be proud of yourself.
We can't control other people's actions, but we can control our reactions to it. And you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Stand proud and have a great day!
I can certainly understand your frustration with this situation. You do not deserve this. There could be a number of reasons your co-worker is reacting the way she is but none of them are valid. I agree with Mickey on this, don't let her flush you out of there and even if you never see that money again, please don't let her get the best of you. We have all made mistakes, the difference here is that you are trying to learn from yours and do something about it. I think that makes you a great person who people would love to get to know. Don't close yourself down because of this cheap idiot.

Take care,

You are not just an addict, per se. You are a Recovering Addict.......big difference. And you should be very proud of yourself. I would take this person to small claims court, if I were you, especially if the amount you borrowed is less than $300.00. It won't cost you a thing. And maybe just the threat of doing this will change her mind about paying you.

Good luck,