Just For Today (20th)

Honesty is the best policy.
--David Tuvill

I've heard people talk about firing their sponsors, about sponsors firing their sponsees. I find that term disillusioning. I thought we were here to help one another.

Human relationships change, for all sorts of reasons, and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that reality. Sponsors, like sponsees, are just people in recovery, growing and working the Steps; we don't always handle things perfectly. One sponsor may take on more than he or she is really prepared to handle; with phone calls coming day and night from an overload of sponsees, frequency or quality of communication may be inadequate. Another sponsor may enjoy being bossy and have trouble recognizing the difference between passing on program experience and trying to impose his or her will in areas where personal choice is appropriate. A sponsor may discover that a sponsee lacks the desire for recovery or has significant problems in an area in which the sponsor has no experience.

When differences are resolved by talking and listening, relationships grow and deepen. Are we avoiding necessary confrontation with ourselves or others? Or does growth, this time, mean that it's appropriate to separate? Honesty, courage, and love are qualities that help us make transitions in our relationships.

Today, my willingness to grow enhances my relationships with others.

You are reading from the book:
If You Want What We Have by Joan Larkin
Hiya Lm hows things going?
jackie xx
Things are going ok Jackie, thanks for asking. I am leaving for a while next week, but I will be back around Thursday. I hope you have a good week. How is life treating you? I have missed you, if you want you can drop me a line via email too....

Hi Stranger,
I'm glad you called today, I've been thinking about you, I hate to say it, but I lost both of your numbers, so today I wrote it down in MY BOOK so that I won't lose it again, also my computer crashed awhile back and I had to pretty much kill it and reinstall xp so in doing that all my email addresses got lost, I'm collecting them again slowly.
I'll call you back, everytime I think of it, I'd like to put about half hour or so aside (otherwise you'll end up talking to Tommy) so that we can talk, but I will call you for sure tomorrow, will ya be around?
Just so you know, I will not be around. I will be out of town until Thursday, but I will be up for another hour or so. You can call if ya want to. I will also drop you an email. I have sure miss ya lady! I hope all is well with you.

Carrie- GREAT to see you posting again!

Thanks Danny,

It is sorta nice to be back. I post when I can these days. Some days are good, and most are bad, but I am breathing, and that makes it a good day. How are you feeling? I have not been around much, and you have weighted on my mind these days.

I feel about the same. I can't wait to feel better. Sometimes I don't think I ever will. It's so strange how much ones life can change in a year, you know? All I keep telling myself is "Dan will be back". It's all I have really. How are you feeling? Been thinking about you too.
I will answer that before I head off to bed. I feel like crap, but very hopeful this evening. I catch a flight early tomorrow to head out to the clinic where I will hopefully find my answer to my cancer. All conventional measures have failed, so now I get to go to a wonderful center that Sammy recommended, and will all prayers of God and the help of Medical Science, I will find a clinical trial that will be the answer to my health issues. While my insurance laughed in my face with the costs, I did qualify for two different grants that will help us out with this.

So, tonight I am hopeful, and excited. I hope this is what I have been praying for, as the pain cycle is awful now, and I am not coping the best. So, I will keep you in my prayers as well, and I will talk to everyone on Thursday!

Car- Good luck.Email me when you get back..
i know this is a late wish but please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers, carrie.

God speed and i'll talk with you soon.


Dear Carrie-

Just wanted to let you know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all goes well for you.


me too, Carrie. I'll send prayers and good wishes your way. Hope the news is good.