Just For Today...feb 3rd

Hi everyone,
take what you need and leave the rest...
love you all,

Just For Today
February 3 We need each other

"Anyone may join us, regardless of age, race, sexual identity creed,
religion, or lack of religion." Basic Text p. 9

Addiction closed our minds to anything new or different. We didn't need
anyone or anything, we thought. There was nothing of value to be found in
anyone from a different neighborhood, a different racial or ethnic
background, or a different social or economic class. We may have thought
that if it was different, it was bad.

In recovery, we can't afford such attitudes. We came to NA because
our very best thinking had gotten us nowhere. We must open our minds
to experience that works, no matter where it comes from, if we hope to
grow in our recovery.

Regardless of our personal backgrounds, we all have two things in
common with one another in NA that we share with no one else: our
disease, and our recovery. We depend on one another for our shared
experience and the broader that experience, the better. We need
every bit of experience, every different angle on our program we can
find to meet the many challenges of living clean.

Recovery often isn't easy. The strength we need to recover, we draw
from our fellow NA members. Today, we are grateful for the diversity
of our group's membership, for in that diversity we find our strength.

Just for today: I know that the more diverse my groups experience is,
the better able my group will be to offer me support in the different
circumstances I find myself facing. Today, I welcome addicts from all
backgrounds to my home group.

Just For Today Daily Meditation is the property of Narcotics Anonymous
1991 by World Service Office Inc.
Nice post. Instead of copy and pasting, alot of people should do what you do.
Read it for themselves first before sharing it with others as if it's there words.
Again, nice post Gi, thanks,
Take care......................................God bless......................................Bob
yes this was perfect for me to read today, I needed it. I just try and share and maybe it can help someone else is all.
gina.. that was a nice post... believe it or not the last week or so I have been lax about ready my just for today meditations and well i would have missed that one..

thanks for the reminder....

I love this post..........thank you Gina!

Hugs, Rus

gina thank you for always supplying me with great reading material, this one really fed me today. i especially loved this part.....

In recovery, we can't afford such attitudes. We came to NA because
our very best thinking had gotten us nowhere. We must open our minds
to experience that works, no matter where it comes from, if we hope to
grow in our recovery.

Regardless of our personal backgrounds, we all have two things in
common with one another in NA that we share with no one else: our
disease, and our recovery. We depend on one another for our shared
experience and the broader that experience, the better. We need
every bit of experience, every different angle on our program we can
find to meet the many challenges of living clean.