Just Have To Post A Couple More Pics

Now that my new grandson is home,hes opening his eyes,looking different and more sweet every day,i wabted to share a few more pics.His dad is a big time lover of Texas hold em so....that explains the first pic,lol

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There is NOTHING in the world more beautiful, more precious than a newborn baby. Maybe thats why we hang onto the true meaning of Christmas. Despite all the downsides we experience at this time of year - the commercialism, the family hassles, the depressions - when we allow ourselves to focus on why we actually celebrate this day it truly is a beautiful event to share with those we love.
What a beautiful baby!
OMG - the one with him holding the cards is just TOO precious! What a cute picture. He is REALLY a cutie - doesn't have that wrinkly newborn look (sorry to all moms of wrinkly newborns.... I had two myself..) But that was many wrinkles ago (on my part).

What a beautiful and blessed Christmas present for you and your entire family.

Love and enjoy your new grandson.....

he is so buityful.you are blessed, love karen
Oh Kim he is gorgeous, and I love the picture with the cards, and all of them! I love seeing pictures and getting a glimpse into everyone's lives. Thanks for sharing. You are blessed.

Just precious, Kim. He is beautiful. So sweet looking. You are all blessed.
Thanks for sharing.
Kim, he is absolutely gorgeous!! Congrats Grandma!
i agree, there is nothing more beautifull then a infint. He is precious....... enjoy him while he is little, we grow up fast!!!

why cant i have one............i want one to love, hold and care for.

your so blessed kim.........
merry christmas to yu and your family


much love,

Thank you all so much. We just think hes the greatest thing since....well,you know,lol.We cant get enough of him,we hope his parents on the other hand,get tired,worn out,and exhausted real fast,lol,so we can sweep in and take him off their hands for awhile.Right now they are kind of hogging him,though i dont blame them,and understand 110%,but im waiting patiently for my chance to have him to myself for a little bit :)

I am blessed,its the best christmas gift ive ever had..~KIM