Just Jane

its been 20 days and I have no cravings for them either, i hate them to much. Just want to feel good and smile more. thanks
Awww hunny I know how you feel. I have so been there. I quit once with no cravings at all 70 days I managed. I didn't go to any meetings I just wanted to keep it my secret. I ended up relapsing time a hundred. What a mistake. If I could keep you from making my same mistakes I would love it. I couldn't see all I had I was in a world of hurt and hating myself. I am glad you reached out for some form of help. The thing is the more you talk about it the better you will feel don't like your imposing just post your little heart out I will listen. The dark time and dark feelings pass I swear. It has taken me some time but I actually feel good the majority of the time. Do you have kids? Do you have a husband?
BTW- You have done awesome to make it this far. I am impressed. I just want you to think of some of the good things going for you. WBS
yes i have a husband, i had 3 children, lost my oldest son at 14 to leukemia, it has not been easy
I am so sorry. That can't be easy. Sounds like you have had some real pain in your life. You have every right to be sad. but you also have the right to feel better. There is so much to live for. Look you have already made it 20 days. Have you read anything about NA or the twelve steps? Gone to any meetings?