Just Want To Know .....

Who here is up to there ears in snow ?

Not I, damm it! hi marnia, have a great day!
Its everywhere!!!!
And its cold!!!
And its freezing.
and were gonna venture out to go snow boarding with the kids in a few!!!

Do you want to come visit marina?? Ill take your spot and have it sunny if i could!!!

Your Friend, Christina
Friend ~
No sun today, it so cloudy here.
It a bit chilly I think it is in the mid 60s
Hey Niblet Im waiting on HIM to get his butt home Who was your breakfast>>>>>>mj
Marina what happen to your Marinamobile did it lost its wheel??????LOL..mj

Yeah Im a real smarta--today.I'm just in this great mood without a whole bunch of pills its kinda cool...mj ps I hope you know I'm only joking around I would NEVER want to hurt anyone on here...mj
Molly I know were are friends .... if we can't joke and laugh at times the
life would be so boring.

lot's of love

I wish, I am only up to the ankle in the beautiful white stuff, but we are feeling like it is up to our ears, it is only -3 degrees today. So, I would much rather have four feet of snow, than this freezing weather. Hope you get to stay white for Christmas. It is supposed to be 49 tomorrow for us, so ours will melt before dinner is done.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Lady M
I have a beach picture for all you freezing souls there...I got a new phone that takes pictures and I am like a kid..
so if you would let me play with my new toy, just post your email and I will show you where God lives..lol..
Okay, maybe not...but my favorite place...
Kerry, send one my way


Merry Christmas, Kerry
okay..here goes..my email starts with res...or mp..i think...lol..my outlook express isn't working..
merry xmas back at you and way to go with the six weeks..