Just Want To Lend A Helping Hand!!!

Hello everyone,
I just recently kicked a severe prescription pain killer addiction , taking about 40 pills on the average daily and I went through hell trying to kick the addiction. I tried everything from trying to drop the mg on a daily basis to suboxone and nothing worked I always found myself back to this madness. Until one day a friend of mine came buy who had the same problem and I could not believe how good he was doing so he recommended I go to the clinic he was currently attending (methadone clinic.) So I did and guess what it was the only place that saved me and to make a long story short what I did was only take 30-60 mg of methadone daily for just one week and it totally for the most part kept the withdrawals away and gave me the ability to kick the habbit. And believe me by biggest FEAR was going from one addiction to another but I will promise this to all if you have the desire to get better you will. I do not know if anyone can really make sense of this while in the addiction state of mind but always remember "God only gives us one chance to dance in this lifetime so we need to make sure it is the best it could be while we are here" and we all know in our right state of mind ADDICTION IS NOT THE BEST WAY.
Hi Kramer, congratulations and thanks for sharing your experience. Did you take the methadone just to get through withdrawals, or are you still taking?