Just Wondering

I am a 54 yr. old female and have been diagnosed as bipolar about 17 yrs ago. I am on Lithium for the bipolar, a antidepressant for depression-Wellbutrin, Chlorazepam 4 times a day along with assorted vitamins and pills for acid refux. Now I have been diagnosed with Hypocalcemia and am taking Sensipar for that along with 3 Arm Thyroid pills a day and a high blood pessure pill. Lisinopril. I have developed a strong tremor in my hands and a trembling in my limbs all the time. I can no longer write my name without stopping and waiting a minute to finish the last name. My teeth are now starting to chatter all night and day too .What I want to know is anyone else out there experiencing any symptoms as I AM? Why won't my psych.dr change me over to another med. that doesnt have so many side effects. Surely there have been some breakthroughs in the past 17 yrs. My legs are so weak at times I feel I can no longer pick up my feet. So I stumble frequently. My arms are too weak to hold a skillet to cook or a grandbaby.I feel like crying all the time. I am also going thru menopause and have a condition called vulvar vestibulitis from so many female infections over the years. Cure one, get another type. I am ready to change Drs. but I hate to have to go back thru all my sordid background as to why I am the way I am. I felt better for a while after starting to walk 2 miles every day. But now I have tendonitis in my knee. So I am not walking.Therefore the 20 lbs I lost is coming back. Up 10 from 2 months ago. I am NOT a hypochondriac either. All this stuff is really wrong with me. It all started back in 1987 when I found out my husband was a pedophile and had been having oral sex with my 5yr old daughter for 5 yrs. before I found out. I went thru legal channels and we took care of it. He had to go to counseling for 2 yrs. So did we. Then one day I just snapped. I went into the pond to end it all. She was 14 at the time. I have been a protector for her ever since I found out. I knew she was strong enough to fend off his attentions then. I was committed to the psych. ward at the local hospital. This is where they started all the drugs. I cant tell how many they tried. Or why they say I am bipolar. I have moods like everyone else. I get depressed and down sometimes.and I have good days sometimes but I dont think I ever did anything Maniac! Anyway, I am afraid I am hooked on the chlorazepam . I have been taking them for about 10 years now. Since the tremors began. But now they arent helping. What am I to do? Change DRS?
What does your instinct tell you?

Never hurts to get several opinions. You said you don't want to go over the whole past thing again, you don't have to; request copies of your medical records and take with you. Have several copies on hand. Then type up a pertinent medical history so all they have to do is read it then they can ask questions. This works for me. I was tired of saying the same thing over and over, i am terrible on remembering dates, so now i just say 'here'.

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