Kat..!! (ot)

You around? My mom was just admitted to the hospital by ambulance this morning and I was wondering how your sister is doing and what they did for her...It was the same thing...could not breathe and she collapsed. She will be in for at least 3-4 days. Do you still have my email?
Hey Wendy, I'll be here for about ten more minutes until I have to go pick the kids up from the bus stop. (I'll come back after and look for you)
If I'm not mistaken blood oxygen level means everything. Sisi's was 80 which is pretty bad but they got it up fairly quickly to 97. If they had not she would have had to go on a ventilator. She's much better now and out of ICU and in a room. We don't know yet how long she'll be in the hospital but she's up and walking.
What happened? Was this sudden?
Love, Kat
P.S. try not to be scared, I know it looks really bad but it's amazing how much they can help.
Yes, it was like respritory arrest. I dont know what her O2 was when she was in the ambulance but she couldnt breathe...that is all I know. They got it up in a hurry like you said. I dont know why they keep them in the hospital so long?

Glad your sis is better, thats a positive sign that she is in a regular room.

Chat later.
Hey Wendy.. I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope they get her taken care of and she feels better soon.

Hey Wendy, how are things going now? I hope everything is calm. I'm around if you want to talk.
Love, Kat
Hi Wendy,
I will keep your mom in my prayers, and you as well. Take care ok and keep it all in the positive....

I am sorry I missed that your sister was sick. I am glad to hear that she was moved to a regular room, that is a good sign.
Sending prayers your way as well.
Thanks, Tina. She's recovering nicely. It was scary though at first. A COPD patient with pnemonia isn't a pretty sight. It was so hard to watch her breathing like that. On the upside, she has sworn to never smoke another cigarette. She's been trying to quit for a couple of years now. Sometimes she would even make it a month or so but she always went back. I think maybe she's serious this time.
Her going through this has made me even more nervous about my smoking. I really don't want to get like that.
Take care, Love, Kat
I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom, Please keep us posted when possible,
You & she are in my prayers
Love Dottie

also sorry about your sister,I Will pray everything is OK
Love Dottie
Thanks Guys, I get a little reprive right now from the hospital...My son is going there to stay with her. Ya know what? I was wondering why this happened because she was doing so good after her therapy. I think it was from having her ducts cleaned in her house. Particles of crap were flying all over the house. She had like 400.00 worth of stuff cleaned and with an already compromised lung issue I think that put her in the arrest. She had the arrest the next morning after the cleaning. She talked to her doctor when he was doing rounds and said yes, it is VERY likely thats what happened. She blamed it on the wellbutrin...notta.

She called me and said, if you give me a cigarette I will trade you a Harley. lol, She can not have one more!
ooo sweetheart,the care she will get, will help alot ,they put pts in the care of the drs ,just to make sure ,there ok .to go home ..smoking is very bad ,but in time and the grace of your hp ,you will find a way to stop ..bless you and your sweet mama...love poopie
Poopie, she is the last parent I have...say a prayer for me, k? I think you have a direct connection with your higher power.

I'm thinking of you and your Mom. I hope everything works out okay. I can't imagine how terrifying that must have been. Keep us posted.

Hey wendy I popped back on for a minute and just wanted to say I am sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom... If you ever need to talk you know where to find me. Take care.. Rae
Thanks Jodi and Rae...I have my son up there right now and Im going up this afternoon...and all weekend. I hope this doesnt happen again. Actually she said she was terrified and SHE doesnt want it to happen again. She is still very weak and needs help from the nurses just to get up. She is only 68 but I guess smoking is indiscriminate with respect to age.
Hey Wendy, sisi is only 56. (I came later on in life from a second marriage) They found out today she has blisters on her lungs. I've never heard of such a thing. She also has thrush or a yeast type infection in her mouth from all the antibiotics.
You wouldn't happen to know how a person would aquire blisters on their lungs, would you? The medicine they gave her to flush her mouth with has made her very sick so now she's getting shots to combat that. It's hard for her to talk and I wasn't there when the dr came so I'm clueless about these blisters.
Glad to hear you got a reprieve from the hospital. I know how draining that can be. Good for you for being tough and turning down the harley, lol.
Love, Kat
Dear Wendy:

My prayers are with you and your Mom. Doctors know so much now. That was my f-in-law's problem, they could keep his lung satuation up high enough. He did have to go on the ventilator 3 times but came off of it with no problem all 3 times, breathing on his own and he had been a long time smoker - I'm sure most have heard the diagnosis COPD - it took my Mother, my Daddy, my Father-in-law and made my 58 yr old brother have 3 heart attacks.
My brother is alrteady smoking again, says he can't stop even though doctors told him, this would be it if he didn't stop th cigarettes.
I believe that smoking has to be one of if not the hardest addictions to break b/c my brother wants to live for his 3 little g'children.

I hope and pray the best for both of you and all who know and love you like we do.
Remember how much more they know and can do now. I hope this note will help a little. hospitas can do so much more now.

Love, Jean
:) prayer for you & momma :)

So sorry to hear about your mother's illness. I'm thinking of you both.

Thanks Jean and Skeeter...I appreciate it. I just got home from a long visit. Poor thing is on her own. Her husband is gone and it is just me. She is scared as hell. I got her flowers, candy and magazines. Curling iron, mirror, mac and all the comforts. Its all I can do is be there.

Kat, I dont know how strong I can be. Its a Harley AND a cabin now. Lol

I have no idea what the blisters are from? Almost sounds like a reaction to something she is on. Maybe she is allergic to the meds she is getting. Im sure her doctor will figure it out. They got her oxygen to 95.
Hey Kat,
Those blisters are seen with COPD. YGM girl.
