I am.Come hold my hand in the theatre.

I know I am...'morning Tim.(Skeered or skewered) Ha Ha....S
Skewered..............That's more like it.LOLAre you going to see it Sharon?
I'm really curious how the young Hannibal is going to come off.
I'm really curious how the young Hannibal is going to come off.
Did you read the book yet? I forgot if I asked that. I am all excited. But it won't be the same without Anthony. I think he makes the movies.
I am gonna see it....with my hands over my eyes......the first one was great!!!! Liver w/fava beans.....MMMmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you read the book yet? |
No,I haven't read the book.
You can't top Anthony Hopkins.He's a first class actor in my book.
I always screw myself up and read the book first. I say I won't but I do. But since I have burned out a few brain cells and have extreme short term memory loss, by the time I see the movie I forget what the book said. But do you want me to tell you what happens? <BEG>
Wait till you start buying books you read 2 months ago.
Stem cell research can't happen fast enough for me.I just hope when the Alzheimers kicks in I can remember the correct office to go to sign up.
No....Don't tell me.I want to be shocked.
Stem cell research can't happen fast enough for me.I just hope when the Alzheimers kicks in I can remember the correct office to go to sign up.
No....Don't tell me.I want to be shocked.
I dont usually go to the movie(too much $$$)but this is one I am going to go to.Though it wont be the same without Sir Anthony Hopkins I am looking forwards to seeing how it all started.
now the First movie was based on a couple different Serial Killers,Ed Geins,Jeffery Domer(sp)
remember I love reading the true crime stories
now the First movie was based on a couple different Serial Killers,Ed Geins,Jeffery Domer(sp)
remember I love reading the true crime stories
I LOVE Anthony Hopkins. Did you know he has a lot in common w/us?
He is just a stellar actor. I love Hannibal; I read the (old) book also.
He is just a stellar actor. I love Hannibal; I read the (old) book also.
Who could be scared of this face???

I am not really sure of the premise of the new movie.
Is it Hannibal as a young person?
Was it written by the same author as the first two?
My God, what rock have I been living under??? See what graduate school does to you????
Is it Hannibal as a young person?
Was it written by the same author as the first two?
My God, what rock have I been living under??? See what graduate school does to you????
It's about when Hannibal was a child and why and how he got to be what he became. The book is sooo cool. Here's the website of the movie...
Hannibal Rising
Hannibal Rising
"Clarisse,Clarisee...You know I love a good Merlot with my prime rib"

The website scared me! Hahahaha...
Okay, I am going. I love that stuff...especially the books. LOL.
Thanks Kat!
(i can sit through a movie without craving a cig.....woooo hoooo)
The website scared me! Hahahaha...
Okay, I am going. I love that stuff...especially the books. LOL.
Thanks Kat!
(i can sit through a movie without craving a cig.....woooo hoooo)
Funny, I cannot picture Miss Katbird skeered of anything....but I would advise her to not tell Hannibel to "bite me" as she so likes to tell me....LOL....
For those of you who do go & watch the movie, come back & let us know if it's worth the money.....
Morning Tim....nice to see you around Sarah...xoxo
For those of you who do go & watch the movie, come back & let us know if it's worth the money.....
Morning Tim....nice to see you around Sarah...xoxo
Way cool website! Can't wait to see the movie! I will probably watch the movie first...way more a visual person. Then read the book half to three quarters the way through and then put it down cause I already know the ending!! LOL
Can't tell you how many half read books I have around here...its the ADDHD in me acting up! ooooooohhhhhhhhh shiney!
Can't tell you how many half read books I have around here...its the ADDHD in me acting up! ooooooohhhhhhhhh shiney!
It's H-Day, Tim! When are you going? I'm thinking of a matinee tomorrow. It sounds more fun than cleaning the house, don't you think?
I'm going today for the matinee.Anything sounds better than cleaning the house.LOL