
love the avatar and i posted to you under photo bucket thread, i said i have seen your pics and you are just as beautiful, again i hope i can look that good at your age. whats your secret. but no pressures to post a pic. i just wanted to say good job! : )

hey, thanks you!!

i never did have blond hair anyway!

black haired, green eyed, irish beauty that i was...he he.

anyway, not to be left out, i did post one of myself, on the help:photobucket thread-great fun and great idea today!

love ya,


Hey Kate........very pretty lady, inside and out. Glad you posted it!
ismt she t mom?,

kate was the 1st person ever to post to me on a different bored when i was first getting off the junk. she's my true inspiration. her posts got me thorugh the first couple months the hardest ones. again thanks kete for kicking me in the seat when i needed it most. she wasnt harsh on me but very honest and her post stood out to me the loudest.

gee, you flatter me, but i'm just not 'perfect' yet!!! lol
none of us are kate, we are human. besides perfect people are no fun and in fact they are even quite scary hehehe.
