Kee Kee / Kerri

Hey there Wahine,

Did I see you post somewhere that you're taking surfing lessons? I bet you'll be a great surfer, and despite the boards whacking you on the head, sharks and riptides, it still sounds safer than sky-diving.

Have you told Tim? He'll be thrilled to have another surfer on the board. Maybe you can get him to ditch Houston this steamy hot summer in favor of a surf trip to Paradise.

I have terrible balance so I doubt I could surf. This would be me.

user posted image

I'll stick to the mat. Less far to fall, lol. Little chance of drowning. Well, except for the yoga classes I took on Monday with a new teacher. We almost drowned in our own perspiration. OMG, I haven't sweat that much since the last time I hiked in SE Asia. I lost three pounds over the weekend and I'm sure it was all water weight. It was great though. More like dance than yoga and set to R&B rather than New Age bells and chanting. Nice change up.

Have a good one. I'm off to pick up my one remaining child.

Yes! I have signed up....but it won't start until the end of June. I have to the "okay" from my Doctor...this ankle fracture has interfered with my life long enough!

I haven't told Tim yet...I haven't seen him around lately. He must be real busy. How cool would that be if he really did come out here to surf of course..I would love having a few private lessons from our resident pro!

I am just always so amazed at how someone can do those yoga classes in that heat. You know...I bet it really is cleansing. I would have to wear a nose plug....LOL...probably not proper edicate! All those funky smells....I am not sure if I could do it!

I really have to get back to my reports, I have had enough fun here this morning!

Have a great day....I will chat with you later!!
Your one remaining child, Gina, that sounded so sad, lol. I forgot everything else you said when I read that sentence. Throwing an understanding, fellow Mom ((((hug)))) your way.
KeeKee, you're just cool. I can't think of a better way to express it, lol. This board is a better place because you're on it. It seemed like an okay time to say that since Gina made a thread to you.
Carry on, guys.

Quit hijacking Gina's thread! LOL
I couldn't help myself, Michelle. The urge was overwhelming.
Hey! you did it too! LOL
Kat....aaawwweeeee you know what? That really means alot...thank you for saying that to me. I needed to hear that.

You are a doll...and you know what??? Takes one to know one....OMG...I feel a love fest coming on!

I will be the first one...lets join hands...."kumbaya my lord...... kumbaya, someones singing lord.......kumbaya" okay I will stop! LOL

I love a random act of kindness...speaks volumes about you friend!

It is so hard to live on the Ocean and not become part of is so magical and wonderful....its a whole other world out there and I want to be part of it somehow. Even if it means that I am a little lower on the food chain!

You know girls...Hawaii is only a plane ride away....wouldn't it be fun? Isn't it time for a getaway! Airfare is cheap right now.....I don't have luxury accomodations but it will do and I have plenty of room.

We can do some Island hopping...right now there is a price war with the airlines here and we could get a plane ticket to Maui, Oahu, Kauai....for 9 dollars!!

Anytime ladies!!
but I've been without food and sleep for almost 24 hours, I'm permitted to do these things. LOL

Is it possible to run out of tears?

Michelle! Bust in anytime! No food or sleep for 24hours?? WTH....whats going on?

I hope you are okay, you at least still have your sense of humor....come on out with it!!

Michelle, I told you that if you run out of tears, I'll cry for you. <sniff>

Hello to the rest of you goils.


I don't think so, Michelle, and so far I haven't. This is coming from the woman who was never able to cry unless watching a sad movie. (even then I'd turn my head the other way)
I'm no longer hijacking the thread since you responded, KeeKee, lol. I can't even tell you how much I'd love being where you are! I see your pictures and just drool.It looks to me as if you live in paradise on earth. I think you'd have to force me to go home, lol.
I can't believe I live in a rural area deep in the woods. It's so not me. I need the ocean. I was born and raised in the bay area and even though I've been away for it for a long time, I never stop missing it.
Oh and best of all, you don't have to endure winter! Count your blessings.
its my marriage KeeKee. I'm just one very sad and confused person.

I know you would DeNae, and before its all said and done, you just might have too. LOL

Ill be on the next plane. Meet me at the airport. LOL, I wish I could take you up on your offer. Ive always wanted to see Hawaii.

Tims not working. I think, if I translated the surf lingo in his email correctly (I cant remember the exact phrase it sounded like English sort of), the waves are high in the Gulf and our boy is riding them. I doubt well see him until next week.

Nine bucks for a plane ride? Are you serious? Is that safe? Is it one of those tiny planes? That probably doesnt scare you since you jump out of the things from a great height.


Im actually okay about Aidan being gone. Hes having a good time and its a worthwhile cause. You know me always future catastrophizing. But thanks for understanding. Now, Pippins the one who is really suffering. He couldnt get to sleep the other night because Aidan wasnt in the next bed.


Yes, eventually you stop crying. And then you start again. Your appetite will come back, and you will sleep again. Its a process. Hang in there. Youll get through it. You know, Ill be here in July and if you need to get away for a bit, Id love to see you.

Same goes for you, DeNae.

Love you, ladies!
Okay Michelle...well now I completely understand. I have been through it every which way with my own relationship. Most days it pure miracle or curse that we have managed to be together for 21 years!

I wish I could help...maybe I me anytime i can offer support and/or just me...I put the dysFUNction!

Relationships are never easy...marriage...well sometimes it horrible and sucks the life out you. Other times it is who and what we sobriety and recovery....relationships change, sometimes for better but most often not.

Kat....I have always felt a connection to Hawaii and knew I had to get here. It has not been an easy ride...actually most times I think...WTF am I doing??? I know one thing....reaching goals and seeing dreams come to life is both good and bad. Kind of like a "watch what you wish for thing". Follow your heart....its not easy uprooting your whole life and moving 3000 miles.....but it can be done.

I think I am getting to old for these little adventures of mine <big sigh> in search of that elusive happiness....I think Stacey posted about that this morning...boy did that hit home!!
You'll have mine too, Michelle.
>hi DeNae!<
thank you girls!

I'll be okay, one way or another. Its just getting there thats the hard part.

Hey Kat! <waving> Can you smell the wildfires at your house? We can smell them here.

Yes, DeNae, and it's horrible.When it first happened I thought there was a fire nearby.My Dad has COPD and can hardly breathe when he goes outside. It's weird how sometimes it's there and other times it isn't. How are you managing the kids being home from school? Cody is already bored to tears.

The girls haven't had time to get bored, YET. LOL, my MIL is flying in on Saturday, so everyone has a list of chores. I'm working them all like a herd of pack mules! LMAO (kidding)

I feel your pain. (about the MIL)
Give the girls time. Before you know it they'll want you to entertain them constantly. I was fortunate enough that Cody got invited to go swimming several times. It's so not fair. Just a few times in the water and he's browner than I would get from a whole summer.
Wildfires??? That must be scary.

I know that June 1st is the start of hurricane season and I have already lived to tell about a 6.8 earthquake...why not a hurricane? Price that you have to pay....I will pay it...I love storms but I don't think I would like to see a hurricane.

Yes...9 dollars..that is not on the Fred Flintstone special. A real airplane..through Go, Aloha and Hawaiian. Travel is good from now up until December 15th. I think I will go online and buy some tickets...they are going fast though.

It would be fantastic if you ladies would come. Gina, you do have a free month this summer do you not??? Bring the kids! Bring the husbutts! It will be fun....we could hike the volcano and give thanks to Pele the Hawaiian fire Goddess!

Don't let fear and good judgement stand in your way!!