Kee Kee (ot)

Hey KeeKee

Have you been watching BB? I don't think this is a very good season. I am so over the whole d*** and Danielle thing. And I think Eric is starting to act evil. I hope Jameka wins. Any guess on who will be evicted tonight? I think it will be Eric.
Hope you're having a good day. I'm doing good but I am really bored today. It's 106 degrees outside so Casey and I have been in the house all day. Yesturday I took her to see the movie Hairspray. We both loved it.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Shell.....oh my! I am going to need a good 12 step program when this Season is over...12 steps in how to recover from BB withdrawals...LOL

It is nasty this year isn't it??? I am about to watch the live show via the Internet...its on in an hour so I am going for a quick bike ride and then will tune in....being in Hawaii the show is on way later for me.

You sound so good are things...that movie looks funny. I am glad you guys went together. I loved taking Kearra to the movies...I so miss that!

I hope things are good and enjoy those dog days of summer because you know what is right around the corner

Big Hugs! Kerri
Hey KeeKee,

I guess I was wrong about Eric. Maybe it was just wishful thinking! Hope you're having a good weekend.

Hey sweetie!

You know what....I have had to stop watching! I call it the house of hate this year. when you walk away from a TV show feeling like you need to shower that is where I draw the line.

This is the worst cast ever. I don't know if you get the feeds or showtime II but its awful. Amber has been on CNN for her racsist comments and alot of bloggers that have been covering the show since season one have stopped posting updates and are done for the years. (

I may watch the edited TV version but probably NOT.

I am missing my little granddaughter so much, its been a difficult summer without her and her birthdays is coming up. I have did get a new job which will be a lifesaver but I don't start for another week.

How are things with you? Sounds like you are making the most of your summer! That is so cool. A life without drugs. Isn't it wonderful!

Big hugs...Kerri