Kee Kee, Re: Sub Drop Doing Great

hi kee kee
i started a new thread as the other one on this subject was getting lengthy

kee kee quotes
Nice to have some of my favorite foods taste more like my favorite foods rather than cardboard!

omg!!!!! i cant believe it! this has been my problem for the last few months, it got so bad i had that endoscopy and my doctors are at a loss as to figuring out why my food tastes nasty, no appetite either and the constipation is horrible!
they were like maybe you have a sinus infection, maybe its the deep fissures in your tongue, maybe you should see a rheumotologist?!?! for something to do with the nerves, i cant remember why he said rheumotologist... but know since reading your post i have hopefully found the answer.
it does seem that since i am tapering off sub that my food tastes a little better but i was in a terrible quandry over this, why does every thing taste like sawdust? that was my way of explaining it and i knew something was really wrong when a pepsi and now a cigarette tasted nasty.. those 2 addictions need to go too but working on one at a time for now.
i wasnt able to eat or get any nutrition in my body because of my distaste for food which made my blood sugars go awry and then i was feeling weak and this all transpired into me calling an ambulance and the nightmare that followed that. i posted about my primitive endoscopy and my awful er visit in previous posts.
so what a relief to have read that today, was it really that bad for you when you tried to eat? did everything taste like cardboard? were you so chronically constipated that you had to do laxatives and enemas?
yes indeed. it is time to keep on tapering, i dont regret my decision whatsoever to do the sub route.
i have been with out a upper molar for about 3 weeks, dentist shaved it to a point and gave me a crown and now this crown had gotton old and wont hold up anymore when dr glues it back in so i go to the dentist in about an hour, i have hated not having this tooth and my gums are so sore around the missing tooth. so i will get a temporary one (those ugly silver ones) and get fitted today for a new crown plus the area all has to be reconstructed now to be able to hold down a new crown with out it continually falling out.
i also have come down with bronchitis and a cold, i went to see the highschools spring musical miss saigon last night and i was fine until act 2, i started coughing because i had this continuous tickle in my throat, i was so embarrassed trying to discreetly cough without bothering people around me.
i had posted about my sponsor woes and she called me last night and i called her today and hopefully i can finish step one. i am going to try and not be so sensitive. she then makes her sponsees work the tradtions as well so i guess i have to work a tradition before i go on to step two.
i see you posted your email, i would like to give you mine as well and of course you did mean and not right? love jewels
Hiya Jewels!

Yes, I have had barely an appetite and food and cooking was my passion. I love it...looking at it with all its colors and fascinating tastes...the art of preparation was so relaxing to me....the chopping and slicing and dicing.

I have some very expensive knives that is a must when your are a good cook.

For the past 6 months, I have barely prepared a real meal. When I was a chore..this to me was very disturbing...even Christmas and Easter and Thanksgiving was not as lovely as I like it. I really get into tablescapes and decorating and making the meal an experience!

I used to have a international food least once a week, where we would pick a country and cook that meal with all the exciting ingredients. I used to try to incorporate at least one new food into our a veggie or a fruit.

All of this just vanished...and I was bewildered. This is another reason why its time to get off sub. I know that this is a direct result of suboxone.

I have suffered terribly as well with constipation but haven't used drastic measures to relieve it.

I can honestly say that now being at 4mgs....things are much better...what you are experiencing is a side effect. I would do it all over again because the payoff has been worth it. The things I love will return. My only taste buds that are alive are my sweet ones. This is so strange also because I have never had a sweet tooth. I am a savory type of girl. I love hot and spicy....sour and lemony....I have eaten and baked so many sweets.

That's another thing...I never baked because it is so exact! I don't have the patience for that....I love just tossing a bunch of flavours and spices around and coming up with something wonderful.

I have now perfected the art of cookie making!! LOL

It is such a relief for me to know that my lack of luster for food will return...yours will too. Once you drop more you will see.

Work with your Doctor though.....I am going to drop again here soon...I will go down 2mgs.....I love that I want to eat something besides chocolate and marshmallow.

I am with you all the way girlfriend! My email is keekee199@yahoo.CA

That is not a type...I was in Canada when that one was is the Canadian version of Yahoo!