
Guess what me and hubby have until Tuesday? If you guessed the grandbabies you were right. My daughter called today and told us we could take them until Tuesday. Of course we knew she must have plans for the weekend and needed a babysitter but we couldn't pass up the chance to have them for the weekend. Gotta get the bottles and diapers ready. Shantel
Oh my...that is fantastic news Shantel! You guys must be so thrilled..I know how much you miss them and adore them! Enjoy...Enjoy...Enjoy...spoil them rotten! Smarties for really am so happy for you two...have fun and you can relax in the knowledge that after all those get to send them home.

I am happy that if your daughter does have plans for the weekend she would rather have you looking after them then anybody else!

Enjoy Grammy!!
Good for you Shantel!
kee-kee, Oh my god you would have laughed you a** off if you could have seen bath time. A 6 month old and a two year old in the bath together. The two year old kept trying to waste the body wash cleaning Dora the Explorer and the 6 month old was splashing like crazy. It took both me and huuby to accomplish that task. We were both soaking wet. My son hates Dora the Explorer he thinks she looks like the chucky doll. LOL Now it's time to get them to sleep hopefully this is easier than bath time. I have to work in the morning. Shantel
Danny, I forgot how much work babies were. As we were driving home after we picked them up from their mother I said to my husband who would of thought at this point in our lives we would be driving around on a Friday night with two babies in the backseat. Still for the life of me can't figure out these new and improved car seats. Takes an act of congress just to figure them out.Shantel
Have fun seats?? I should see mine at the moment with her troop of boys...thats all that lives in this neighborhood are at the top of this hill leading to the last house in the cul-de-sac....quite steep 45 degrees perhaps... with her feet up on the handle bars and going full tilt down.....screaming all the way....I am on pins and needles waiting for the first accident of the day...the boys are in tow...on skate boards...scooters and god knows what else...if we make it till sundown...another hour at least....without any cuts scrapes or bruises....its a good day!!!

Man do they ever stop.....this after a full first day back at school....she will fall exhausted in her (well my) bed...after a hot bath and pizza hut tonight!!!!

I will not be far behind...yeah...Friday Night excitement...someone hold me
Shan- I've always had problems with car seats too. They are impossible to get them in right and then the kids don't like them. Mine are getting close to booster seats now (one already has) so not much left for the the old car seats. I of course, am talking abput the little ones..hehe

Which reminds me of something funny..when my 21 year old was around 5 (an in a car seat), we were driving somewhere and some guy cut me off and I (thinking I was a good Dad) called him a "Poop". Out of the back seat, this precious 5 year old girls voice yells "Call him a ja*o*f Daddy!". I had to pull over, I was laughing so hard.
Danny...thats hilarious...oh out of the mouths of babes!
Kee- It was pretty funny. I got some grief from the wife though.
This sounds like the grammy thread! I loved Shantell's description of the bath...brought me back to my boys playing in the tub but I had a 7 year old and a 8 month old in there. I have this great picture I took of the two of them in the bed laying next to each other with the sheets pulled up to their necks...I used to come in screaming Ah..the two headed monster! I have to scan that one and save it on my pc.

One baby is fun, but I would like to have another one to play with, too bad my son lives out of state.

Hope y'all had a good day, I'm drinking coke and I had 3 saltines for lunch and 3 for supper. I'm starting to feel a bit better though...but that immodium will have me right back in my usual state.

Time for me to turn in and make up for lost sleep.
You guys are to funny. I needed a good laugh a few minutes ago. Thank god the both of them are sleeping. Question is for how long?? I was just telling my husband I don't know how I handled 4 of them when he was out to sea all the time. I'm LMAO right about now because my husband just came back into our bedroom and looked at our bed and the 2 year old is in it. Then he looks at the playpen with the 6 month old in it and walks out meanwhile we have some toy in our bed singing the ABC's. He walks out and eventually comes back and turns on the t.v and Dora is singing because I left the DVD in and he says oh hell no. He said it's bad enough he was just in the kitchen singing the ABC's. He says looks like he is sleeping in the recliner tonight. Shantel
Hey glad to hear your feeling a teenie bit better. Perhaps tomorrow you will have this thing beat!

AAAWWWW yes...the tubby pic's we arl have them I am own were 18months apart and I definitely conserved water...the destroyed my bathroom together for a long time..right up until about 7 poor grand baby she is so to bath all by herself....well her and her 50lb box of tub toys....speaking of which, boy they sure make some cool stuff for the tub compared to when mine were little...makes me wanna get in there with her!! I have at least a million pictures of Kearra in her various tub-time adventures.....oh ok....I will spare y'all....this
K guys, I survived last night. I'm gonna be a little tired today at work I hope nobody needs to be trained on how to put contacts in who knows where those will end up. Between the two year old sleeping between us waking up for her cup and my husbands snoring and the baby waking up during the night I didn't get much sleep. I'm not complaining just didn't remember what it was like to have little ones back in the house but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. They are so precious. Have a great day everyone. Shantel