Could you please give me a brief idea of what to expect from the sub? I have to fill the rx and be in wd for at least 12 hours? or more? If I give him the exact dose I was on he will hopefully give me enough...I am so traumatized and afraid to trust now. How is your foot sweetie? I hope better.Thank you so much. BTW...What was your DOC and amount??Love, Sharonn
I know this was addressed to Kee Kee but I wanted to give you some hope for sub Sharonn, after what you've been through you need to hear a positive experience.
I was on sub for 10 weeks, for me it was awesome. I was on oxys when I could get them, when those were not available or too pricey I was on anything else. My tolerance level was off the hook.
From the first dose of sub I felt better within 20 minutes. I was in full blown withdrawal walking into the doctors, and when I left I felt "normal"...not high, but the way I did before my addiction.
Sharonn, I was never able to make it more than a month or so going cold turkey. And then when I would fall back into using I was too afraid of the withdrawal to stop again. It was endless.
The sub allowed me to focus on my recovery. It gave me the time to figure out what to do next. For me face to face support was a must to maintain my sobriety. The sub allowed me to gather my courage and seek help. I thought going to meetings was a sign of weakness, in retrospect it was the bravest thing I could do for myself. To admit I needed help and seek it.
In my relapse, I had quit going to meetings. I buried myself in my grief.
I'm sorry to bust in on this thread, but it kills me to think of you in so much pain and sorrow right now. You're going to be alright Sharonn, just hold on.
I was on sub for 10 weeks, for me it was awesome. I was on oxys when I could get them, when those were not available or too pricey I was on anything else. My tolerance level was off the hook.
From the first dose of sub I felt better within 20 minutes. I was in full blown withdrawal walking into the doctors, and when I left I felt "normal"...not high, but the way I did before my addiction.
Sharonn, I was never able to make it more than a month or so going cold turkey. And then when I would fall back into using I was too afraid of the withdrawal to stop again. It was endless.
The sub allowed me to focus on my recovery. It gave me the time to figure out what to do next. For me face to face support was a must to maintain my sobriety. The sub allowed me to gather my courage and seek help. I thought going to meetings was a sign of weakness, in retrospect it was the bravest thing I could do for myself. To admit I needed help and seek it.
In my relapse, I had quit going to meetings. I buried myself in my grief.
I'm sorry to bust in on this thread, but it kills me to think of you in so much pain and sorrow right now. You're going to be alright Sharonn, just hold on.
Forgive me for bursting in too.
I can't express my feelings about my pill addiction and suboxone any better than Redd just did. Suboxone saved my life, plane and simple.
I am a cronic pain sufferer just like you. The suboxone will help you. Give it a chance.
Learning how to trust is difficult. You have been thru hell backwards and I sure understand. 9 months ago I hated doctors.
I have my power back. Today I am in charge. I had to get the blank, blank, blanking pills out of my body so I could begin to think straight again.
I'm here for you Sharonn. I have your back!!!
Forgive me for bursting in too.
I can't express my feelings about my pill addiction and suboxone any better than Redd just did. Suboxone saved my life, plane and simple.
I am a cronic pain sufferer just like you. The suboxone will help you. Give it a chance.
Learning how to trust is difficult. You have been thru hell backwards and I sure understand. 9 months ago I hated doctors.
I have my power back. Today I am in charge. I had to get the blank, blank, blanking pills out of my body so I could begin to think straight again.
I'm here for you Sharonn. I have your back!!!
Sharonn when you left they had you on sub yes? if so, then you should be able to start sub with whatever dose the doctor deems appropriate with no waiting period, just pick up where you left off.
Unless I read it wrong the only drug you are on is your AD, if so, there is no waiting period.
Unless I read it wrong the only drug you are on is your AD, if so, there is no waiting period.
I left AMA on nothing...I am in bad are not "busting in". You are a blessing.Thank you.Love, S
I must have misread, so since you are in wd now, then all you have to do is take the sub once you get it filled. There is no waiting period unless you are back on pain meds. Then yes the longer you wait the better off you will be once you take the sub. 24 hours is best. Some have taken it at 12 hrs.
I began taking it after 16 hours. My doctor asked me to be 12 hours minimum,
I cannot believe you were sent home with a prescription with no instructions on how to take it, no nothing. Just dont let the door hit you on the a** on the way out. What kind of clowns are they?
Sharonn, please please please find a REAL doctor. Your life is on the line here. You deserve the best treatment out there. Call every doctor in the phone book until your fingers fall off.
I cannot believe you were sent home with a prescription with no instructions on how to take it, no nothing. Just dont let the door hit you on the a** on the way out. What kind of clowns are they?
Sharonn, please please please find a REAL doctor. Your life is on the line here. You deserve the best treatment out there. Call every doctor in the phone book until your fingers fall off.
I got MJ's Dr...I trust her opinion...the others were EXPENSIVE and my insurance (medicaid) did not cover....the Dr. my BF is paying cash but my meds are covered(thank you God) I wish I hadn't put myself through this..I am in a bad flare as well....oh well...lesson learned. Maybe it will help someone else check out their detox facility. I have already filed a grievance and called a reporter from the local news.Ooops...forgot to say thank you thank you and thank you all.Love, S
You have MJ's Doctor? Thank god!!!!!!!
Now isn't the time to worry about money. Get put in jail for writing bad checks if that's what you have to do.
I'm being silly, but don't focus on the $$$$. I sure know how hard that is. That's an "easier said than done" kinda thing. You can't put a price on your life.
Things will only look up for you from now on. You are in control of your destiny. You are in charge. Don't ever forget that.
Now isn't the time to worry about money. Get put in jail for writing bad checks if that's what you have to do.
I'm being silly, but don't focus on the $$$$. I sure know how hard that is. That's an "easier said than done" kinda thing. You can't put a price on your life.
Things will only look up for you from now on. You are in control of your destiny. You are in charge. Don't ever forget that.
I think that it is fantastic that you will see a Doctor that is familiar with chronic pain and suboxone.
Did you say that you have an RX already!! If so that is good, my only concern is that the Doctor doesn't insist that you get inducted in a "medical setting". My Doctor would never allow this.
With that being said.....the experience that Redd described is almost exactly my story. I could never ever get past that first month without relapsing. Its that "brain chemistry" thing that I told you about and it was explained to me in great detail by my Doctor with slides and graphs to show brain activity of an addicted and dependant person.
If you have the are on your way! If you are in w/d, fantastic here is the link for the opiate w/d scale...I hope you find this helpful. I was at about only 16 I think but my Doctor inducted me anyway because he could clearly see that I was suffering. Start at 2mg increments and ti-rate up every hour or so until completely comfortable. I settled at 12mgs which in hindsight might have been to a tad too high I know I could have got by on much less. But that is irrelevant right now.
Relax you will get the relief you need and hopefully will have a positive experience. As I said earlier I believe you are exactly the type that this med is designed for. You have a very strong resolve to be in recovery and you suffer from real chronic pain.
My prayers are so with honey....I know God is watching over you like the rest of us. You are on your way....sobriety is the best gift you will ever give yourself and your family.
p.s. Just like you to be suffering endlessly and ask about my well being! You are a real gem. I am getting better everyday...3 more weeks and I will cut this f'ing cast off myself!
Did you say that you have an RX already!! If so that is good, my only concern is that the Doctor doesn't insist that you get inducted in a "medical setting". My Doctor would never allow this.
With that being said.....the experience that Redd described is almost exactly my story. I could never ever get past that first month without relapsing. Its that "brain chemistry" thing that I told you about and it was explained to me in great detail by my Doctor with slides and graphs to show brain activity of an addicted and dependant person.
If you have the are on your way! If you are in w/d, fantastic here is the link for the opiate w/d scale...I hope you find this helpful. I was at about only 16 I think but my Doctor inducted me anyway because he could clearly see that I was suffering. Start at 2mg increments and ti-rate up every hour or so until completely comfortable. I settled at 12mgs which in hindsight might have been to a tad too high I know I could have got by on much less. But that is irrelevant right now.
Relax you will get the relief you need and hopefully will have a positive experience. As I said earlier I believe you are exactly the type that this med is designed for. You have a very strong resolve to be in recovery and you suffer from real chronic pain.
My prayers are so with honey....I know God is watching over you like the rest of us. You are on your way....sobriety is the best gift you will ever give yourself and your family.
p.s. Just like you to be suffering endlessly and ask about my well being! You are a real gem. I am getting better everyday...3 more weeks and I will cut this f'ing cast off myself!
Hi Sharon: Glad your out of Detox.
If your crampin runny nose achy its SUB time--How many Mg?
Are you on any type of meds for anxiety? You cant just stop xanax Or did Misunderstand your benzo situation? benzos I weaned off xanax with Klonopin. BUT UNDER A DOCTOR CARE IN A HOSPITAL.
But I am not understanding how you have sub with no doctor monitoring your B.P especially with your health issues.
I was forced to sign papers that if my B.P was not normal I was getting admitted. Iwas crazy enough to risk my life by taking medicine that lowered my B.P but I am schmuck. Could have seized anytime as I was eating benzos like candy. Lied my arse off.
Sharon your sub doctor is he/she part of a program? Do you have outpatient therapy?
Sorry for the questions but a bit confused. I hope your doctor believes in 2mg increments as this way you can figure out your proper dose. JMHO but way to many people are thrown on sub 12 16 24? when all you need is 6-8mg but how can you determine your proper dose without being monitored at the beginning?
Any questions you can contact me if you feel like it.
If not you take care and have patience with the sub. Its a good drug but not a cure.
If your crampin runny nose achy its SUB time--How many Mg?
Are you on any type of meds for anxiety? You cant just stop xanax Or did Misunderstand your benzo situation? benzos I weaned off xanax with Klonopin. BUT UNDER A DOCTOR CARE IN A HOSPITAL.
But I am not understanding how you have sub with no doctor monitoring your B.P especially with your health issues.
I was forced to sign papers that if my B.P was not normal I was getting admitted. Iwas crazy enough to risk my life by taking medicine that lowered my B.P but I am schmuck. Could have seized anytime as I was eating benzos like candy. Lied my arse off.
Sharon your sub doctor is he/she part of a program? Do you have outpatient therapy?
Sorry for the questions but a bit confused. I hope your doctor believes in 2mg increments as this way you can figure out your proper dose. JMHO but way to many people are thrown on sub 12 16 24? when all you need is 6-8mg but how can you determine your proper dose without being monitored at the beginning?
Any questions you can contact me if you feel like it.
If not you take care and have patience with the sub. Its a good drug but not a cure.
Im gonna butt in again.
I agree with Kee Kee 100% .my only concern is that the Doctor doesn't insist that you get inducted in a "medical setting". My Doctor would never allow this. My doctor would NEVER accept it either.
I am confused as all get out.
Sharonn you wrote, I have to fill the rx and be in wd for at least 12 hours? or more? If I give him the exact dose I was on he will hopefully give me enough
Hopefully he will give me enough? What kind of quack doctor do you have to ask for enough? I just realized what you wrote. Because you were addressing Kee Kee I thought you were speaking in some kind of code.
Run as far away from those people as fast as your feet will go! Get to MJs doctor TODAY if not sooner.
Its crucial that you take the proper amount of suboxone to begin with. The proper amount is the amount that is right for you and you alone. You MUST see a doctor before you even think about taking it. You have addiction issues and severe pain issues for the suboxone to address. People try to detox on their own and get themselves into a whole heap of trouble. Dont try and do this on your own. You have been thru enough hell already you dont need any more grief.
Me Again A LEGIT Sub doctor an addiction specialist usually demands a intense outpatient therapy.
I am a but confused on how you can be put on sub without being monitored.
Without the outpatient therapy I would have relapsed. I learned so much from my first sub doctor and her program.
I am a but confused on how you can be put on sub without being monitored.
Without the outpatient therapy I would have relapsed. I learned so much from my first sub doctor and her program.
I agree with every word you just wrote.
I agree with every word you just wrote.
I also agree...but lets face it...there are alot of Doctors out there that don't shiat about suboxone or addiction. They go to the required 8 hour class and then get a free pass to RX it. Just like there are plenty of Doctors that will RX pain meds in massive quantities without a second thought. Just because these people go to medical school and get a very impressive education doesn't mean that they don't have faults...they do...they are people too.
Again...this is just wrong! My Doctor made it clear to me from the very beginning that if I was just looking for a script and to be sent on my way that I wouldn't get it from first I was bewildered...but now I understand and am so appreciative! For without the program and therapy....I would have other problems.
The good news is that Sharon has us and she now knows she will find a good Doctor that will supply suboxone properly and insist on a program.
You are not alone Sharon...if you already have the script then thats ok....but you really do need to find someone that wants to treat your whole addiction...from the inside out.
We will help you every step of the way!!!! But none of us are Doctors...only other addicts sharing our experience.
Big hugs....check in are you?
Again...this is just wrong! My Doctor made it clear to me from the very beginning that if I was just looking for a script and to be sent on my way that I wouldn't get it from first I was bewildered...but now I understand and am so appreciative! For without the program and therapy....I would have other problems.
The good news is that Sharon has us and she now knows she will find a good Doctor that will supply suboxone properly and insist on a program.
You are not alone Sharon...if you already have the script then thats ok....but you really do need to find someone that wants to treat your whole addiction...from the inside out.
We will help you every step of the way!!!! But none of us are Doctors...only other addicts sharing our experience.
Big hugs....check in are you?
To clarify..I do not have the rx appt is with mj's Dr. this week...he does not meet with you every day. He will monitor you by phone if you aren't doing well. The other well known sub dr. cost 500.and 500, 3 more times that week plus 500. a month to get the meds from him. I do not have the $$ and Tony has been out of work 2 months and our insurance was turned down, If it it worked for MJ...I will trust him. S
Good! That is excellent. You know what to do anyway. We will all be here to remind you anyway:)
How are you feeling? By the time you get to the Doctor you will be good to go. I have a real good feeling about this. Just try to stay calm and comfortable....I know...easy for me to say.
I am so glad that you are home...poor thing. You wonder how some of these places stay in business. I am so furious.
How are you feeling? By the time you get to the Doctor you will be good to go. I have a real good feeling about this. Just try to stay calm and comfortable....I know...easy for me to say.
I am so glad that you are home...poor thing. You wonder how some of these places stay in business. I am so furious.
If you aren't taking anything now Sharonn, you can take the sub as soon as he gives it to you, right KeeKee? You will have been in withdrawal for days by the time you take the Sub. Unless of course you started using again when you got home from your truamatic experience....
Yes that's right Lisa, she will be ready to be inducted the second she gets there, as long as she is in w/d. That is a long time to be in w/d...this just sucks.
Were you able to take a look at that chart...the opiate w/d scale, you are perhaps getting be quite uncomfortable by now. My heart is breaking for you....when is your appointment? Hold are so close.
Sending warm wishes for you!
Lisa...I love your Easter Bunnies, that is so cute!! And funny!!
Were you able to take a look at that chart...the opiate w/d scale, you are perhaps getting be quite uncomfortable by now. My heart is breaking for you....when is your appointment? Hold are so close.
Sending warm wishes for you!
Lisa...I love your Easter Bunnies, that is so cute!! And funny!!
Believe me...I flushed the oxy's before I left..I am suffering..will call to see if there are any cancellations..I might have been better if they didn't pump me full of just made the wd worse the second time.....did anyone here have skin on fire. Weird...instead of sweats I am on fire...hardly sweat...does not seem has been 8 days?