I have read your posts about your foot. JUust wondering if your ok. I hope so.
Sweet of you to ask. Simply put...its fine. I mean it is a dull throbbing and is very sore but 6 days later very manageable with Extra Strength Tylenol. I do believe as addicts it is easy to "manufacture" pain. Especially when something like this happens.
I will admit the first 3 days were pure hell. But nothing compared to the hell that getting on the pain pill train would bring. If it hadn't been for all that I have learned over the last year regarding the disease of addiction I would be in a very different spot right now.
I decided very early on that I would NOT take the narcs that were RX'd to me, sure the first few days I did because I think my body was in shock. Luckily for me because of the suboxone in my system that euphoric opiate feeling was blocked completely! Talk about a blessing in disguise...or was it? Anyway bottom line, I flushed all the pills that I had filled...close to 40 vicodin, bit the bullet, waited 16 hours, went back on a manageable dose of sub and here I am...still pill free!
I will keep my sobriety date and am currently on a lower dose of suboxone right now than I would be had this not happened. You tell me if things that happen to you are suppose to???
Anyway....I will get through this, with the help of my sponsor and the fellowship of AA/NA....its all good! This program is for real!!!
How are you feeling? Was it you that was feeling pretty horrible because of a slip? Forgive if not....I have been a little out of touch! Take care and thanks again for asking...how considerate of you!
Sweet of you to ask. Simply put...its fine. I mean it is a dull throbbing and is very sore but 6 days later very manageable with Extra Strength Tylenol. I do believe as addicts it is easy to "manufacture" pain. Especially when something like this happens.
I will admit the first 3 days were pure hell. But nothing compared to the hell that getting on the pain pill train would bring. If it hadn't been for all that I have learned over the last year regarding the disease of addiction I would be in a very different spot right now.
I decided very early on that I would NOT take the narcs that were RX'd to me, sure the first few days I did because I think my body was in shock. Luckily for me because of the suboxone in my system that euphoric opiate feeling was blocked completely! Talk about a blessing in disguise...or was it? Anyway bottom line, I flushed all the pills that I had filled...close to 40 vicodin, bit the bullet, waited 16 hours, went back on a manageable dose of sub and here I am...still pill free!
I will keep my sobriety date and am currently on a lower dose of suboxone right now than I would be had this not happened. You tell me if things that happen to you are suppose to???
Anyway....I will get through this, with the help of my sponsor and the fellowship of AA/NA....its all good! This program is for real!!!
How are you feeling? Was it you that was feeling pretty horrible because of a slip? Forgive if not....I have been a little out of touch! Take care and thanks again for asking...how considerate of you!
Good for you Kee Kee...you are a strong lady...God bless..Sharonn
Thank you Sharon....albeit clumsy!!!
Look at you! I would say you are one tough cookie yourself. I am so proud of you. You stay strong to your convictions and you will be just fine. Put some trust in that higher power....it works in mysterious ways!
Look at you! I would say you are one tough cookie yourself. I am so proud of you. You stay strong to your convictions and you will be just fine. Put some trust in that higher power....it works in mysterious ways!
You sound so much better and I'm so happy to read today and get caught up with your ordeal..(good for you for flushing!!!) You really are an inspiration and thank you for sharing how to get through a medical emergency and come out the otherside even stronger...
You totally rock, girl! Peace be with you and I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery...You'll be back better than ever in a very short time...
You sound so much better and I'm so happy to read today and get caught up with your ordeal..(good for you for flushing!!!) You really are an inspiration and thank you for sharing how to get through a medical emergency and come out the otherside even stronger...
You totally rock, girl! Peace be with you and I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery...You'll be back better than ever in a very short time...
Awweeee shucks Stace....you sure do know how to make a girl blush!
Thank you doll. I needed to hear that! Its true though isn't it! I am so lucky! Like I have said...6 months ago...I can almost guarantee that I would be posting about whoa is me....blah blah blah....owie, owie, owie.....I had no choice but to eat all the pills I could wrap my lips around!
Progress...not perfection....this is truly the program at work!
You don't do so bad yourself you know!!
Thank you doll. I needed to hear that! Its true though isn't it! I am so lucky! Like I have said...6 months ago...I can almost guarantee that I would be posting about whoa is me....blah blah blah....owie, owie, owie.....I had no choice but to eat all the pills I could wrap my lips around!
Progress...not perfection....this is truly the program at work!
You don't do so bad yourself you know!!
No Kee Kee i havent slipped been off methadone and xanax' bout 45 days. Good to hear your ok. Take care!
Brien! Wow...thats amazing! How did you do it? I am guessing very slowly. 45 days is super fantastic.
How are you feeling? You ok now? Did w/d last long? I have heard the detox off methadone is so long and painful. Care to share your experience?
I tried methadone for 3 days at 15 mgs per day, I was so scared and I knew that I was entering a whole other level of hell. So I just stopped on the third day...never went back. They never called or anything to see what happened.
Thats when I was 110% sure that I made the right decision. They say that it works well for the person that is has really bad gear habit but you really have to want it. They also say that for someone that is hardcore opiate abuser its the "preferred" medicine. I saw that on HBO. I was in Canada at the time and sub was not available. So I did it and quit real quick.
The stigma and the really sick reputation at those clinics gave me the hebbie jebbies. Needless to say I continued on eating massive amounts of oxycodone for another year and a half.
Anyway, good for you! I really am so happy for you!
Just another update as well. I only had to take two tylenol today and am getting ready to take two more as it is starting to throb. I really am so surprised at what you can get away with for pain reliever. I am wondering if the sub is working some too.
Anyway....its been a day....stiff, sore and miserable but I made it! I even managed to sound like I was enjoying myself today when I spoke with clients!!
How are you feeling? You ok now? Did w/d last long? I have heard the detox off methadone is so long and painful. Care to share your experience?
I tried methadone for 3 days at 15 mgs per day, I was so scared and I knew that I was entering a whole other level of hell. So I just stopped on the third day...never went back. They never called or anything to see what happened.
Thats when I was 110% sure that I made the right decision. They say that it works well for the person that is has really bad gear habit but you really have to want it. They also say that for someone that is hardcore opiate abuser its the "preferred" medicine. I saw that on HBO. I was in Canada at the time and sub was not available. So I did it and quit real quick.
The stigma and the really sick reputation at those clinics gave me the hebbie jebbies. Needless to say I continued on eating massive amounts of oxycodone for another year and a half.
Anyway, good for you! I really am so happy for you!
Just another update as well. I only had to take two tylenol today and am getting ready to take two more as it is starting to throb. I really am so surprised at what you can get away with for pain reliever. I am wondering if the sub is working some too.
Anyway....its been a day....stiff, sore and miserable but I made it! I even managed to sound like I was enjoying myself today when I spoke with clients!!
Hey KeeKee:
I was wondering about you, glad to hear you're doing so well. Certain people, who shall remain nameless (me) have been known to use an injury to increase their pain meds, or get more. Where do you get your strength? You're so motivated, I admire that. May I ask how long clean before your accident? I wasn't clean before my accident - so the accident gave me carte blanche (in my mind), and I went from a periodic binger to a daily user. I doesn't sound like you're going to have to have any surgery, thankfully. Does the sub help a lot? Does it really help with the cravings? I honestly don't have much physical withdrawal on the rare occasion I do without, it's the mental that gets me. I think because I binged for so long, using massive amounts for a while, then nothing for a while, my body got used to that and I don't have the physical that I've heard a lot about, but the constant mental merry go round is crazy-making. Good luck and hang in there, keep letting us know how you're doing
I was wondering about you, glad to hear you're doing so well. Certain people, who shall remain nameless (me) have been known to use an injury to increase their pain meds, or get more. Where do you get your strength? You're so motivated, I admire that. May I ask how long clean before your accident? I wasn't clean before my accident - so the accident gave me carte blanche (in my mind), and I went from a periodic binger to a daily user. I doesn't sound like you're going to have to have any surgery, thankfully. Does the sub help a lot? Does it really help with the cravings? I honestly don't have much physical withdrawal on the rare occasion I do without, it's the mental that gets me. I think because I binged for so long, using massive amounts for a while, then nothing for a while, my body got used to that and I don't have the physical that I've heard a lot about, but the constant mental merry go round is crazy-making. Good luck and hang in there, keep letting us know how you're doing