Keep Finding Hints To Drugs

hi I'm very naive when it comes to drugs. My husband went on a binge about one and a half months ago. He never came home for 2-3 days. He said he needed to get it out of his system. His dad's been ill and now his sister had a cyst on her ovaries(not cancerous) But I found a lighter in the bathroom above the light fixture. I just cleaned the bathroom yesterday and today I found white substance by the window. It tasted very salty. I don't know if he mixes it with baking soda? There was also black substance on the top of the cabinet in the bathroom. My husband smokes but not ever in the bathroom and rarely in the house. Please advise me I'm not sure what the symptoms are or what he might act like. Please help me. Is it coke? or what?
Why don't you post your message on the cocaine part of the board so people who know more about cocaine can answer.
Good luck,