Hi everyone, have a little time to myself, at last, ...things have gotten better since my last time on(I just caught him using), I always think that this time will be his last, maybe this time is the last, we have had to make some financial decisions in part due his his spending,and I believe he sees what reactions his actions are causing, on a good note, he has been released from the dr. to go back to work on 3-7-05, finally after 7...months, had rotator cuf surgery in 7-04.This has been a long hard 7 months, but hey. on the upswing now, feeling good and have found such comfort and hopefulness from this site, many times ..
may all of us be strong in our convictions on fighting this disease and learn all we can from each other , and grow stronger and wiser for our own sake, have a peaceful weekend, sending good and positive thoughts to everyone who is in distress (what a nice way to put it, ha, ha, ) and know you are not alone take care, laura
thanks for your high spirited post.