Kennedy Goes To Rehab

Read This!

we may have a new member soon!
i was wondering if he's been

said he got in a wreck going in the cvs parking lot. lol, i know it's not funny, but it sounds like something i'd do.
me too.. lol. cause lord knows I spent enough time pulling into a pharmacy parking lot!!!

those Kennedy's, its amazing how much can happen to ONE family, I swear I think if I were a Kennedy, I would be scared to leave my house!!!
I commend him for being honest about his "conditions" but find it odd he wasnt given a field sobirety or breathaliser,therefore he can deny any alcohol use,and everything else he was taking was prescribed apparently, legal problems,hmmmm? Going to vote at 3 am????Again...a little odd.
It was like 3 accidents within a couple week period! I'm glad he's getting help, just goes to show this addiction isn't biased.

kinda scary that political figures are VOTING for things that affect us, and they are/could be stoned.

things that make you go hmmmmmm
Oi! Those Kennedy's! They ARe cursed I think!
I just read ( in the "Enquirer" mind you!) that JohnJr's plane crash was caused by John's abuse/addiction to prescription pain meds...hmmmm.
A Kennedy crashed his car and wasn't drunk?? Nooooooooooooo lol
Addiction to pills has made me much more humble. I know it has taken me more than once to get it right. My prayers r w/ him. My only concern is that i hope he is truly going back to Mayo for the right reasons. Not for political gain.

I live amongst the Kennedys, they're the most arrogant, egotistical family out there. They dont think the laws apply to them. They're always in the local news for something or other, lots of stuff gets swept under the rug.
I pray they findthe bar he was drinking at. Ambien? Right. He knew enough to say he was on his way to a vote at 3 am when the congress last vote ended 6 houres earlier but there is a B.S law saying they cant stop him if he is on his way to congress for political voting.

You and I would be in jail.

Some b.s law.

They are going to turn the town over to find out where he was drinking. Nail is $ss like father like son. Ted is proud.

I do feel sorry for him as he is quite diseased and his family just enables him to continue. Maybe somebody will decide to run against him. He is a freakin junkie.

soon he will kill someone. Hopefully he will suffer some consequences this time. He will kill someone sooner or later just like DADDY
I am not happy to hear anyone has problems, but I did notice that he got in to rehab a lot quicker than anyone else is able to. I guess there was no waiting list.
I think if there ever was an argument for genetic predisposition, the Kennedy's are it!!
i think he drank over his Dad giving in and passing that terrible law called Jessicas law. Why would the kennedys want to prevent sex offenders from facing tough sentences. God knows how many people have been affected due to Kenedy holding the bill at bay. He is pond scum but people keep voting him in and we deserve what we get.

To his credit he has passed some very good legislation but he never should have been able as he killed a young girl a longtime ago.

His son is sick. Liar and the republicans will turn the town over to find out where he drank. The idiot shouldnever have said he did not drink. Police smelled alcohol and he was staggering.

This POS senator had been holding up Jessicas law in hisstate as he tried to hijack the bill. And the people spoke.

The whole family is sick. This kid is not in rehab to get better he is hiding. Things will quiet down.

Maybe someone will run against him when he gets out.

Looked up our site and read that ambien thread and came up with his story--LMAO

oh yea the "drowning"... mmm hmmm. drowning my a**,. who else was on the boat? chirstopher walken?

Only a certain type of person can kill a young girl and get away withit. He is was one of them.

That whole family skakel? is he not a keendy cousin. The whole freakin family is pond scum as it all started wit hJOE Kennedy smuggling moonshine among other things. They crossed the mafia and history dictates there actions. A lot of people find the mafia connection to be B.S butthey got him elected and then were double crossed.

Popinjays all of them

Have a good night stacey.

Long day going to crash. At least it was a super day as I recieved the best news about my friends mom.

You take care--Jeff
they found the bar he was drinking at liar-liar --liar-- he should prosecuted and lose his license.
f-in drunk using ambien as an exscuse--ambien poor ambien
so Jeff, tell us how you REALLY feel about the Kennedy's.. lol
Would he have announced that he was going to rehab if he had not had a crash !!!!!!