Kerry Has Six Months!!!

Hey Kerry -

Congrats to you on your 6 months!!! Way to go, girl. You know, you kind of sound like me. My whole family bitches at me and tells me I'm too nice to people and let them walk all over me - like using the car, taking my cell phone, I dont really see it as being that big of a deal, but I guess it does get old after awhile - especially when people never return any favors!!!!

But, then again I'm one of those people that say whatever you give, you will get back two-fold. Maybe its just wishful thinking (I hope not).

Take some special time for YOU.. You deserve it!!!


Way to go on the 6 months! You really are a great asset to this forum, and I appreciate the support and advice you consistently offer to others here.

Kiwi - It is such a drag to come to an addiction recovery board and read of people relapsing, isn't it? I'll tell ya Kiwi - at least you're consistent. You can't even complement someone without taking a dig elsewhere. You are such a d***. Walk in my shoes the past 24 hours and see how you feel. Better yet, just skip the next relapse post you tool.


Congrats, Kerry..... I don't know what I would do without your posts and emails.... Since I've had to give up most of my friends, having people like you that I can talk to has been a godsend.... I owe you so much!!

As far as the leaving your house thing, that I understand 100%. For me, it comes along with having panic attacks. Every few years, I get completely agorophobic (sp?) and cannot leave the house. The summer of 2003, I would get in my car and drive to the end of the block, then have to turn around and go home... I would keep the blinds closed, I never wanted to leave the house. I had this overwhelming fear that something bad would happen if I left my home....

But even when I'm not going through that phase, I am no longer the social butterfly that I once was.... I used to be the life of the party and now I don't want to go anywhere. I would much rather stay home in pajamas then go out drinking... As you can probably guess, this causes problems with my husband & I, so we're going out with friends tonight.....

Maybe it's because it's my job to talk to people, be nice to people, be the "party girl"..... I don't trust many people any more but even that's not it..... I would just rather be alone than be around people I only semi-care about.

Congrats again on the 6 months..... I can't wait until we're celebrating your one-year mark!
Dear Kerry great for you I hope you feel as proud of yourself as we all feel for you.....mj
user posted image

what a pleasure it is to watch you grow, glow, go on your journey, kerry.

and double my pleasure to be able to give you a 6 months cyber chip.

congratulations to you! it's awesome truding with you!

thank you for you and your committment to recovery.


sammy user posted image

i carry a chip in my pocket - a simple reminder to me,
of the fact that i am a addict, no matter where i might be.

this little chip is not magic, nor is it a good luck charm.
it isn't meant to protect me, from emotional or physical harm.

when i put my hand in my pocket, to bring out a coin or a key,
the chip is there to remind me, of the price i pay to be free

to acquire a foundation to stay clean, i must surrender self-will,
asking help from a Higher Power, and allow my mind to be still.

a service commitment at meetings,
and listening to what my sponsor does say.

a quiet prayer asking for guidance,
at the start and end of each day.

the chip reminds me to be grateful,
for my sobriety, one day at a time.

and to be thankful to my Higher Power,
that my illness is not a crime.

it's also a daily reminder, of the peace and comfort i share,
with all other clean addicts, who walk with His loving care.

so i carry a chip in my pocket, reminding no one but me,
that, by turning my will over to Him, He has brought me sobriety.