I keep on getting your replys, but it has nothing attached to it, so I do not know what you are saying back hun. Maybe you can just write me one, and I will get it that way. I was wondering what was happening, because I just got my text back. LOL.... Hope to hear from you soon. If you don't have it, I will leave it here.
God Bless,
Lady M
you no i have tryed to go to your meetings and chat no luck am I doing something wrong need help mistyes lets chat go to chat and tell me when but I dont no if we can in that chat rm confussed poopie
y so am I ....I got invited a while back, and forgot my password, and then msn got evil on me and wouldn't let me in at all...
Lady, I will write you an email...
Lady, I will write you an email...
<message removed>
What is Munchausen? Is that a benzo? I think I have taken that before. Wicked withdrawals man.
Ask Sammy what it is, shes who told us about it!
Take care........................................God bless.....................................Bob
Ask Sammy what it is, shes who told us about it!
Take care........................................God bless.....................................Bob
I am new today man.I have only been on this site 15 minutes. I do not know sammy. Was he addicted to this Benzo too?
I am new today man.I have only been on this site 15 minutes. I do not know sammy. Was he addicted to this Benzo too?
No, Sammy is a woman and Munchausen is some kind of lying sickness.
Take care.................................God bless...........................................Bob
No, Sammy is a woman and Munchausen is some kind of lying sickness.
Take care.................................God bless...........................................Bob
Welcome to the board, nice seeing ya'.
Take care...................................God bless........................................Bob
Welcome to the board, nice seeing ya'.
Take care...................................God bless........................................Bob
Well I have been here since the date it says next to my name......and yes I have another name on here, which is no one business because I never hurt anyone in that name nor have I spoken to anyone on this board directly, except once in the 6 times I think I used it...and that person knew it was me.....
I am just catching up on some posts...read a few throughout the day. I will tell you now this is the most disturbing, for those of you who may not know Munchausen is a disease of deception, in many forms, but in one particular that pissed me off tonight......Also noticed some newcomers....wondering if they will hang or if they have been here all along.....you know you never really know do you....
I posted something yesterday that I shouldn't have but I can't take it back so now whoever read knows something about me, maybe thay understand me better, maybe not....really doesn't matter....but this is what upsets me.....wondering if it is all coincidence.......
The term "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" (MSBP) was coined around twenty years ago, and hundreds of reports have appeared since then. In most cases, a mother either claims that her child is sick, or she goes even further to actually make the child sick. This "devoted" parent then continually presents the child for medical treatment, all the while denying any knowledge of the origin of the problem--namely, herself. As a result, MSBP victims may undergo extraordinary numbers of lab tests, medication trials, and even surgical procedures that aren't really needed. For example, by the age of eight, Jennifer Bush had had more than 40 operations, including the removal of much of her intestines. Other children have scarcely experienced a day of their young lives without being brought to the doctor's office or confined to the hospital. In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrator is the mother and the victim an infant or toddler.
The web of deceit the caregiver spins can be buttressed by medical signs and symptoms that mislead the most skillful of physicians. Their acting skills can match those of a veteran performer. For instance, the MSBP perpetrator might induce "apnea" (a cessation of breathing) by suffocating her child to the point of unconsciousness, then frantically display the limp child to the hospital or clinic staff as the tears roll down her cheeks. She may secretly place a drop of blood in the child's urine specimen, then appear aghast at lab results that alarm the unsuspecting physicians and nurses. Behind closed doors, she may scrub the child's skin with oven cleaner to cause a baffling blistering rash that lasts for months. Since it may take many years of illness for doctors finally to arrive at the truth, it should not be surprising that this form of child abuse has a mortality rate of nine percent.
Just weird that I posted about my baby yesterday and I see Munchausen Syndrome turns up today..........Guess what I guess it really doesn't matter because I have no idea who the newcomers are and I will continue to follow my heart and enjoy the day, cause life is truely worth living!
I am just catching up on some posts...read a few throughout the day. I will tell you now this is the most disturbing, for those of you who may not know Munchausen is a disease of deception, in many forms, but in one particular that pissed me off tonight......Also noticed some newcomers....wondering if they will hang or if they have been here all along.....you know you never really know do you....
I posted something yesterday that I shouldn't have but I can't take it back so now whoever read knows something about me, maybe thay understand me better, maybe not....really doesn't matter....but this is what upsets me.....wondering if it is all coincidence.......
The term "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" (MSBP) was coined around twenty years ago, and hundreds of reports have appeared since then. In most cases, a mother either claims that her child is sick, or she goes even further to actually make the child sick. This "devoted" parent then continually presents the child for medical treatment, all the while denying any knowledge of the origin of the problem--namely, herself. As a result, MSBP victims may undergo extraordinary numbers of lab tests, medication trials, and even surgical procedures that aren't really needed. For example, by the age of eight, Jennifer Bush had had more than 40 operations, including the removal of much of her intestines. Other children have scarcely experienced a day of their young lives without being brought to the doctor's office or confined to the hospital. In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrator is the mother and the victim an infant or toddler.
The web of deceit the caregiver spins can be buttressed by medical signs and symptoms that mislead the most skillful of physicians. Their acting skills can match those of a veteran performer. For instance, the MSBP perpetrator might induce "apnea" (a cessation of breathing) by suffocating her child to the point of unconsciousness, then frantically display the limp child to the hospital or clinic staff as the tears roll down her cheeks. She may secretly place a drop of blood in the child's urine specimen, then appear aghast at lab results that alarm the unsuspecting physicians and nurses. Behind closed doors, she may scrub the child's skin with oven cleaner to cause a baffling blistering rash that lasts for months. Since it may take many years of illness for doctors finally to arrive at the truth, it should not be surprising that this form of child abuse has a mortality rate of nine percent.
Just weird that I posted about my baby yesterday and I see Munchausen Syndrome turns up today..........Guess what I guess it really doesn't matter because I have no idea who the newcomers are and I will continue to follow my heart and enjoy the day, cause life is truely worth living!
Oh God Tina, I dont know the new person, but my heart won't allow me to believe that. Don't you give such a thing another thought. You did nothing of the sort with your child. I read what you wrote and it was an accident. It could have happened to any one of us. I know the underlying implication here I think, and I would bet a million dollars it has nothing to do with you. Don't worry about that or let it even cross your mind again. Everyone knows you're a nice person and good mom. Love, Kat
No no no ......... that whole conversation has nothing to do with you.
I promise. No I'm not any of those people who posted above here. If I post I will always use my own name.
But this was a different story from a different time and a different place.
It's not about you.
You have reached out here alot to people. I appreciate who you are and what you have to say.
No no no ......... that whole conversation has nothing to do with you.
I promise. No I'm not any of those people who posted above here. If I post I will always use my own name.
But this was a different story from a different time and a different place.
It's not about you.
You have reached out here alot to people. I appreciate who you are and what you have to say.
That term was used in reference to someone else I am sure, not you. What you did was an accident. The lies and deception and games that the other person continues with people is an illness.
That term was used in reference to someone else I am sure, not you. What you did was an accident. The lies and deception and games that the other person continues with people is an illness.
Thanks girls......this place is so insane at times I never have any idea what is going on......When I saw that out of the blue I thought no way, that really wouldn't be cool, and not even just for me for anyone.......
Kat, accident yes, but I will never forgive myself for that one, nor will I ever forget. And like all kids they always keep you second guessing.
Love to both of you ,
Kat, accident yes, but I will never forgive myself for that one, nor will I ever forget. And like all kids they always keep you second guessing.
Love to both of you ,
Sharon, didn't see your post, must have been writing mine....thanks for responding too.
You should forgive yourself, you deserve it. It's what you would tell any one of us isn't it? It's so hard to forgive ourselves....we addicts know that well, but it's fair to. Be kind to you Tina, love, Kat
That by all means was not meant to you. I'm sure I know who it was meant for and most definetely not you. Don't even give it another thought. One day you should think about trying to forgive yourself .....it was after all an accident. Forgiving ourselves is sometimes the hardes thing to do. Take care
God bless
gina :)
That by all means was not meant to you. I'm sure I know who it was meant for and most definetely not you. Don't even give it another thought. One day you should think about trying to forgive yourself .....it was after all an accident. Forgiving ourselves is sometimes the hardes thing to do. Take care
God bless
gina :)
I have got to say something here. First of all to CLARKE you said what meetings? Are these Munchausen support groups????? Where in the hell would you come up with that???? That is ridiculous that you would even assume that on an addiction recovery board... Second, to LIFER, you say what is Munchausen? Is that a benzo? Then you say ""I think I have taken that before,wicked withdrawls man"""... WTF, is up with that..Are you serious???
Tina, please don't take this to heart I think you a wonderful person and a good mother and who ever is talking sh*t can talk it somewhere else because it is not appropriate on this board and they are obviously LOST....Rae
Tina, please don't take this to heart I think you a wonderful person and a good mother and who ever is talking sh*t can talk it somewhere else because it is not appropriate on this board and they are obviously LOST....Rae
Don't worry over it Rae. I don't know who they are, but I know who they're talking about. It's definatly NOT Tina. Tina is most loved and respected by all. No one would ever think or say such things about her. Btw, how are you? love, Kat
I really dont think that lifer knew what it meant thats why he or she asked...
as for Misty ...I think she knowsby now it wasnt meant for her. Clarke? well I dont know about that...take care
God bless
gina :)
I really dont think that lifer knew what it meant thats why he or she asked...
as for Misty ...I think she knowsby now it wasnt meant for her. Clarke? well I dont know about that...take care
God bless
gina :)