Have not heard from you in a while and was wondering how things went with your boyfriend. Are you alright?
Hi Charly!
Thanks for your concern...I've been posting mostly under poohbears posts, probably why you haven't seen me! Things are going alright so far with my boyfriend. He says he's been clean one month but I have my doubts as it did sound like he was using last Tuesday but I have no proof. He got paid this past weekend and bought himself new clothes so at least he spent his money on something useful.
So so far so good, I have some stressful days when he's at home and I worry, I hate that. How are things going with you?
Thanks for your concern...I've been posting mostly under poohbears posts, probably why you haven't seen me! Things are going alright so far with my boyfriend. He says he's been clean one month but I have my doubts as it did sound like he was using last Tuesday but I have no proof. He got paid this past weekend and bought himself new clothes so at least he spent his money on something useful.
So so far so good, I have some stressful days when he's at home and I worry, I hate that. How are things going with you?
Hey KittyKat....
Glad to hear things are going well for the moment - cant be sh***y all the time right?
Me I am doing o.k this site really is helping me out so much - I find myself having conversations with him and remebering advice and other things here and it really gives me that extra edge - I am not as fearfull of being too harsh and am not as unsure and ambivelent so I dont feel as manipulated.
Ive been meaning to tell you for a long time - that even though I left my husband, in many ways I am still as wrapped up in all of this as you are even though you are still with your boyfriend. I continue to talk to him almost everyday, I continue to worry about him - I have been able to stop obssessing about if he is doing it or not, when, how many times a day, how much money, where he stashes it - all that stress is gone - but we never really leave them and we dont for a minute stop caring. I just hopes he knows that.
Did your boyfriend end up goint to trial or not? I thought it was last week. It must feel nice to watch him breaking through and to see that he is leaning on you for it.
Good Luck
Glad to hear things are going well for the moment - cant be sh***y all the time right?
Me I am doing o.k this site really is helping me out so much - I find myself having conversations with him and remebering advice and other things here and it really gives me that extra edge - I am not as fearfull of being too harsh and am not as unsure and ambivelent so I dont feel as manipulated.
Ive been meaning to tell you for a long time - that even though I left my husband, in many ways I am still as wrapped up in all of this as you are even though you are still with your boyfriend. I continue to talk to him almost everyday, I continue to worry about him - I have been able to stop obssessing about if he is doing it or not, when, how many times a day, how much money, where he stashes it - all that stress is gone - but we never really leave them and we dont for a minute stop caring. I just hopes he knows that.
Did your boyfriend end up goint to trial or not? I thought it was last week. It must feel nice to watch him breaking through and to see that he is leaning on you for it.
Good Luck
Charly, his trial was last friday, but it got thrown out because the director from the rehab did not bother to show up. So another slap on the wrist for him. Alls he got is a record and restitution, he avoided jail and court ordered rehab. How nice for him!
Ya I understand that the worrying doesn't end just because you aren't together anymore. I know if we broke up, I'd still worry, I just wouldn't obsess about everything anymore. Do you know if your ex is actively still using? How does he feel about your separation? Does he try to come back?
Ya I understand that the worrying doesn't end just because you aren't together anymore. I know if we broke up, I'd still worry, I just wouldn't obsess about everything anymore. Do you know if your ex is actively still using? How does he feel about your separation? Does he try to come back?