hello everyone! I've found this website to be very helful. I have a set of twins that are both using and abusing marijuana. I found this out the other day by their concerned friends. I am very hesitant to approach them, but i know something must be done. Have any of you ever had to approach your daughters about smoking? I am very very scared about the outcome and fear that they will only deny it. If this occurs what should i do? How do i get he truth out of them? This topic is very hard on me and i am scared. My two girls are awesome and i dont understand why they are doin the drug. If any of you have advice i would like to see you post it up. Thanks!
From the tone of your email, it sounds like you found this out recently. How long do you believe they've been smoking, how frequently and what age are they? Last I read, 50% or more of the US population will try it at one time or another, most of whom don't become addicted so it may not be serious. But of course for some it can lead to heavy usage and/or much worse drug habits. My advice is to look into your heart, watch them closely and try to talk with them in a calm, receptive manner. Perhaps it would work best to talk with each one on one.
Best of luck and keep us posted!
Best of luck and keep us posted!