Legend Of The Tiger

I found this poem that was written by an addict, thought everyone would enjoy it. Have a Happy Easter.

A man had a cute little tiger,
Together they'd frolic and play.
They had lots of fun
As they romped in the sun,
Till the master would put him away.
Slowly the tiger grew larger,
So slowly, the man never knew.
As the tiger grew stronger,
He stayed out much longer,
And did things he wanted to do.
He played with the tiger more often.
It came out against the man's will.
The tiger would say
When he wanted to play,
Though the man thought he mastered him still.
Each time he played with the tiger
He came away wounded and sore.
Though beaten and tender,
He would not surrender.
He always came back for some more.
The tiger came out as he pleased, now.
The man's life was never the same.
Should his memory fail
Or he wind up in jail,
The tiger was never to blame.
He began to lose friends and lose family.
Their playing was no longer planned.
He had little to say
In just when they would play,
The tiger was now in command.
His health and his life were in danger,
The tiger at last had him beat.
He prayed for relief
From his sorrow and grief,
And an answer was laid at his feet.
It was not an easy solution,
But if properly used, there's no doubt,
If his life stayed in line
One day at a time,
The tiger could never come out.
There are days when the man's feeling lonely,
And the tiger can sense when he's blue.
So he says for today
Let me come out and play,
I promise I'll never hurt you.
The man knows the tiger is cunning,
A baffling, powerful beast.
But he knows it is bound
By the answer he's found.
He refuses to grant it release.
He's lived a good life in the answer,
The years have turned many a page.
It's been a long time
Since he sampled the wine,
But the tiger still rattles the cage!

Gordon H. Liberty

Thanks trying4me
i will show it to my husband
it sounds spot on!
take care
Thank You so much. I'm going to print this and give a copy to my son when I see him. It is very truthful!!