Life Is Beautiful

my gosh - my darling brother, david, tonight was on his way down from n.j. to n.c. for a gig.

he called and made a pit stop at my home, as he was passing through richmond.

we had a wonderful renunion filled with good friends who are here, family, tons of laughter and sweet memories, but most of all love.

golly gee - we talked about old times - i laughed until tears ran down my cheeks. we reminisced about the moments of the past, the moments we presently are living. and love was the guiding force. this was my brother who a few years ago, took some desperate measure to insure my children's safety and unbeknownst to me, mine. this was my brother who would not co-sign my bs while in the height of my addiction. he loved me, but at that time, i was to wasted to realize this.

we decided that we are going to meet for music convention this january, of all places, ft. la de da. the last time i was there with david was in january 2001. what a dear, loving spiritual being he is and i'm blessed to call him my brother.

wow - thank you God for leading me to the rooms of AA. thank you AA for giving me a God to thank. for Your presence was made known to me again tonight in my brother david's love, just as it was 6 years ago when i knew my gig of addiction was up.

i love you david.

i love you God.



How wonderful for you and him to have that time to share! I'm so happy for you!
Susan :)
Yes, life is beautiful especially when surrounded by those you love.
Thank you for that. I think we all needed to hear it. You are an inpiration to this whole group. God Bless.
Thank you for posting that, Sammy.
It reminds me of my bulls*** and why I am trying to stay sober...