Lisa..need Your Help With Something..o/t

I remember a couple of weeks ago you mentioning something about Jake and a snowboard.If it's convenient at some point could you ask him if he knows anything about the Bend or Redmond area in Oregon? Only if it's comfortable with you.I keep getting conflicting stories about being able to ski there in the summer.I'm talking about it with another friend.

Please don't go out of your way if it's not comfortable.I know you have plenty of other things that are more important.

I hope you're doing o.k and much thanks.
Hey there... Jake has never skied that area but I do know Bend. We have a condo there but have only gone in the summers. Great golf. I know that they do ski Mt. Hood into the summer but not sure of conditions. Not even sure of the resort name, but I will find out for you. They are still skiing here... 3 of the resorts are working a weekend schedule. I'll let you know as soon as I do. xxoo
Thanks a bunch Lisa.It's no rush and you have enough on your plate.Although you sound really good.I hope you score in Las Vegas.The weather should be awesome.
I think the casinos are locked down tight because of the economy.. I'm going for the sun and shows. We get to see Cris Angel one night and then a Cirque Del Sole show another. I'm so excited to get out of here and just have some down time. Of course I'll worry the whole time but out of sight, out of mind, works good for me.

My husband just said that there's Mt. Bachelor too. I think if you goolged both of those you might come up with resort names.
Very cool.I will google it.I'm going to work on a stand-by for Portland....75 bucks.They can put me in the luggage compartment for that.LOL
but it's not a done deal.

I tried this about 4 years ago and none of the mtns. had enough snow but I had fun anyway.I went to the top of Mount St.Helen.I'll never forget that.

Have a great day Lisa.You are a rare jewel.
You can tell I'm playing hookey.
I just thought of something Lisa.Does Jake have any interest in horticulture?He seems to enjoy helping around your house and I was just curious if he liked planting?If it catches his fancy he might ask around about working for a landscaper.It can be a very satifying career..

It sounds like he would be perfect around women.He's courteous,helpful and attentive.They eat that s*** up.LOLI have a feeling he would love it.

You don't exctly rake in the cash but there is always the possibility taking it into any direction you want to.Working with the earth and seeing things grow has a lot of intrisic benefits.Something to think about.
Sorry I left while you were playing hoky. I don't know..he seems to enjoy it, loves to be outside but really tends to be more into anything computer related. That's what he wants to do eventually. The landscaping business around here is huge. Especially on Bainbridge Island. We do alot of work for landscaping contractors who do ornamental work, like ponds, rockeries, etc. Jake's helped out on all of that. I guess I would say no, he isn't much for working outside, prefers to be inside. That's one of the reasons why he has no interest in taking over Jon's business.

What did you end up doing all day?