
Just wondering how you made out with the sub and how you are feeling , If you have already posted this sorry I missed it . Ramon
Hey ya grl ~

I want to know too ! You are in my prayers hun
hi...right now I am fighting taking another.
ouch..insomnia and wanting to jump around .....
but I do is better.
but I would sincerely suggest once you get clean, stay that way.

ramon, are you a dr??
you sound very kind from your posts..
No but im in the medical field and relly would like to hear what your experience with bup has been as the days go on , im sure many others would be interested thanks Ray PS thank yo for the kind remarks
Kerry I just wanted you to know your in my thoughts & Im so proud of you really.I realize how hard its been but you did what was needed to be done.Keep it UP!!!!!!mj
thanks. I came from the dr...and she is putting me on 12 mg. She made me take 6 mg all at once...then gave me tomarrows dose. I see her on thursday again.
ANYONE ELSE FEEL SAD ON THIS MED? I don't know if it is a side effect of sub or detoxing, but I feel down. I am getting a little spark of hope back knowing that I will be clean again soon...
but just down.
How are missmolly?
Honest Kerry the first couple days when I got up I would have the weepies(tina would remember(but I just let myself cry & ride with it.That was dealable but when week 3 got here & I went into deep depression I had to face the fact that I do have depression & its not from the pills.When you feel like weepin ride with it theres no harm & it will probaly be good for your body & soul....mj
ya see, I can't really cry just feel like it.
I had a sick friend I was trying to get into a dr...but he didn't want to pay $118....he has very swollen legs. I dropped him off at home, and kinda had to let it go...
Damn, i can get very codependant..but I recognized it..and left it up to him.
This morning he puked on my couch....aauuugghh!
But he isn't at my house anymore.
How are you feeling?
I also made an appt. for tomarrow to see a counselor the new dr recommended. I have "issues" with therapy, but I am feeling really lost and alone, so I gotta get some head work
I think that is one of the reasons that I went back out; I couldn't fix those deep seated resentments, and I am just going to take the approach a step further.
I have seen a few counselors, but unless people have walked in our shoes, they just don't understand. Like parenting. And pill is more theraputic to talk to you all because you have been there...
Hey sweety I gotta go make dinner but when it comes to not trusting therapist I hear that.The last coo coo is the one that stuck me & all his patients on the adderal.Thankfully he lost his license.So listen take care tonight I meant what I said I am very proud of you & you should be too.Things may not be great over night but you are back on track & ill do whatever I can to help.Take care talk to you soon....mj
thanks miss molly...
enjoy your dinner.
Right about now a bowl of soup sounds good..he he...
The dr was very kind. She even made me hug But at least she understands; and doesn't condemn. Also, from the shoulder exrays she could see a spasm in my neck. Maybe I can finally get an MRI and see what the heck is wrong with my back. My shoulder still hurts, but I am glad the oxy monster is back in the closet.
Time to get some bubblegum and patch up the other holes...he he.
little how much Wds were you in and what was the starting dose, did it make you feel better or worse right away, the sadness is common for me when I stop narcs as all the stuff Ive been holding in comes out, plus stopping drugs is like loosing a friend even tho it turned on us at some point it was always there when we needed it , hang in there Love ray
Ray, it stopped the runs, and I was able to go to the grocery store, etc...which the day before, there was no way I could do that. I do feel normal, but still sorta altered...mind wise. But what the heck do I know about normal???
It stopped the yawning...etc. I am still afraid of withdrawls about coming off of this.
and because I have been through this before, I know getting back to normal is going to take some work.
But it pretty much stopped the symptoms. I don't feel like jumping around or anything, but would reccomend it over cold turkey, that is for sure. Unless you are at the end stages of withdrawl and almost there...I still think that staying off of everything and learning how to do it that way is best..
Ray, what is your story? Are you still taking pills or are you clean? I is so hard to keep up in this dazed state of mind..
Thanks for asking, Im presently on 40 mgs of meth down from 60 just over 2 months ago from 200 mgs morphine, Im supposed to drop 5 mgs meth a week then go in for the bup.So Im fairly on schedual but if it takes slightly longer thats ok also. I havent been high since I started the meth , but I wish I had never started the meth. My shrink said it would have been easier to drop off morphine then go to bup than from meth . But I have no choice now and am doing what I think is the right thing. Im also seeing a fantastic counseler for change and am very excited and scared at the same time Best ray