
Lindsay Lohan was cited for investigation of driving under the influence Saturday and was slightly injured when her Mercedes struck a curb, police told the Associated Press.

Lohan, 20, and two other passengers were in her 2005 Mercedes SL-65 convertible when it crashed at about 5:30 AM into a curb on Sunset Blvd., Sgt. Mike Foxen told the AP.

"She was cited and released because she has been admitted to a local hospital for minor injuries," Foxen said.

No one else was hurt and no other cars were involved, Foxen said. He did not have other details. Officers went to the scene after receiving a 911 call about the accident, Foxen said. He went on to say that Lohan will have to appear in court to answer the citation.

Calls to Lohan's rep were not immediately returned.
The society we live in is so very corrupt we all sit back (myself included) and read magazines support tv shows go to blogs..ect... and all we are doing is supporting this behavior-she is a product of her environment when you add together an unstable upbringing fame millions and the hollywood lifestyle which includes all the partying you can imagine what do you expect to happen to a 20 year old girl. We watch them die and sit back and enjoy the fall. I really dont have an answer as to what to do about it I guess it starts with me II have to make my own example and hope it will effect even one other person. Its so sad and the people in her inner circle will tell her shes fine because they want something from her and she will continue on for as long as it takes and death may sadly be the end --we all know that we are lucky to still be standing i know most days i shouldnt have stayed on this earth but somehow i slipped through THANK GOD!!!! I will pray for her and i sure hope her judge sees through her fame and fortune and makes her go to meeting or to rehab.
She was on her way to see me Danny
hello danny..........how are you..............and your pretty girls.......
God bless you and your family danny...........**HUGS**

as for lisdney.........
............look at all the s*** WE did to ourselves and families..............

i sure hope she finds a life of recovery free of chemicals just like all the
wonderful people here on this board................

before it affects her health...............
