Lola - How I Flushed 400 Pills

2 reasons, 1. I wanted to quit and be rid of them, and it was easy because I couild get more anytime I wanted to, thank god it didnt come to that though. I apologize that things got out of hand on your message to me, which is the ABSOLUTE truth, which is the only thing that really gets my goat. I wish I youtubed myself doing it. I can describe it in detail if you like, even though they were (around 400, give or take 10 or so) it did not fill the toilet that much. I could have probably fit 1000 and they still would have gone done in one flush. And watching them going away, being banished if you will, made me feel good.

If you have any other questions please let me know, and to anyone else reading this Lola asked me a question. let her answer it. If you want to slam me, thier are plenty of recent posts of mine to do it on.

As for the wedding part, a wedding is the most important part of any girl's life, along with having children. The wedding is all about the bride, like the mens commercial said, and I agree, all eyes will be on her, just as long as her eyes are on me I'll be the happiest guy alive. - Chris
Have you ever been a member of this board before, maybe as a woman? maybe as women , named Kaela?
Talking to e or Lola? No on my part. - Chris