

I hear that you are from KY, small world.
hey sharon,, yeah it is, i kind of thought you were too(brilliant on my part huh) im in northern ky by cinti
Good morning lone wolf!

I was just down around that area last weekend for my stepson's graduation. And my stepdaughter lives in Aberdeen Ohio (about an hour away from Cinci and just across the river from KY. Nice area down there. Much better than up here anyways! :) (I live in Toledo)
Gosh, it never dawned on me that we were all over the place - I'm a Southern girl from SC - do I talk funny?

Geez Jean, I don't hear a southern accent in your voice at all! :)
How is your energy today? Are you feeling a little better yet?

I've been focusing more on details... and i picked up a slight southern accent...

How is everyone this mornin'?

you all talk funny!!!! lol, im off to go to work, you guys hang around, i need company today... i ll be monitoring all day so shout at me. (but be nice)

Jean, You don't talk funny at all!

The girl from Georgia,
Lonewolf I am in NKY also where do you live?
hey kymissy, im in newport wha about you?
I also live in Newport, talk about a small world. I can't believe it.
wow thats too scary. lol
So have you completely stopped your meds?
yeah today is 13 days with nothing whatsoever. hey you think its possible we had the same dealers? lol
I guess anything is possible. I get a script from my Dr. but it only last me about 2 weeks that is where I am at now. After that, I am always looking. I do have alot of pain and I guess I am trying to convince myself that I really do need the pills. I have had 2 surgeries on my knee after a very bad fall and I have alot of arthritis that has settled in my knee. My Dr. says I need a kneww replacement but I just don't know if I am ready for that. I am only 42 years old. What's a person to do?
thats a good question, i dont really know the answers when thepain is real. mine was at one time but i spent so many years lying to my drs that in some way i really am in pain now, only because i convinced myself that i was. i was getting 90 a month from my dr. but they lasted five or six days at best, then i would buy about 100 more each week,(unless i could get some other dr. to give em to me.) im really sick of this stuff and know what your saying. they are so evil and controlling. i was living to use and using to live. and its super scary to think about life with never having another. how many are you still taking?
I guess I am up to about 6 to 8 a day. I could take more if I let myself. Only suppose to take 3 a day so needless to say, my 90 a month don't last. I find myself looking for pills even when I still have some that's what is so sick about the whole thing. Worrying that I am going to run out. My sister is an addict as well. Just last night both of us were on the hunt scary huh. I am ready to ask my Dr. if she could increase my 7.5 to 10 hoping that maybe that will help me but I just don't know. This could make it worse. How did you do it? I just don't know if I am strong enough.
that definitly wouldnt help!! my experience is the more i got the more i took and the more i took the more i needed to get. it got to where i couldnt function without them. i would be out and sometimes would just have to hide from the world and pretend i was sick. i dont know how ive gotten here really. it was just a matter of planning to except that the first few days would be absolute hell and excepting that. cleared my schedule best i could and just let it run its course, cant say i feel completly over it even yet, but the worst part is over in three or four days. ill hold your hand through it when your ready.. i promise.
Thank you so much. I just want to get up the courage to quit, I really do.
hey i got to do a little work real quick be back in a few...dont go nowhere if you can , well talk some more