Long Over Due Giving Credit To Those Who Deserve I

Hello eveyone! I have watched some people get ignored and not given the apreciation they deserve, so tonight I wanted to give them the credit they so should recieve.
When I came here I was actively using. I knew I needed to quit, knew I had a problem, but was to wishy washy to do anything about it. This board saved my life, or the people on it. I needed the guidance of those with clean time who were spreading the message of recovery. I had so little knowledge of my own disease other than just knowing I was an addict.
Sharon gave me some tough love. It was what I needed. I needed to be told what to do and challenged to do it. What she said hit home and I imediatly liked her for it. I was serious about quitting and I needed to know how. To have given me fuzzy warm lovies would have let me linger in my state. I never knew at that time she would end up my best friend, the ying to my yang, my sister. I began reading posts and the ones that stuck out to me were by people who were working the steps, telling it like it is, and not playing games. I watched these people and I listened. They knew what worked, and that was what I was after. These same people come on here and try time after time to spread their knowledge. It isn't an easy message, but it's the right one. I see them get blasted, ignored and criticized for telling the truth. But we have to stop and think, they are clean, they are staying that way, the must be doing something right. They never seem to get the respect that they deserve. Not only are they working the program, they are kind and caring enough to share it in hopes somebody will listen and a life will be saved. I'd like to acknowledge these people, tell them publically that they are wonderful. I'd like all to see their efforts are not in vain. Sharon, you are my first and foremost. You were tough, but once I showed you I got it, you became the sweetest and most loving person imaginable. (you know your place in my heart). And Rus, a kinder and more decent person doesn't exist, but you know your stuff and you share it. Lisa, you struggled so hard, but you kept trying, and you became an inspiration to us all. Your messages are right on the nose, and you don't back down. Theresa, clean time like almost no one I know, you try over and over to get people to listen, to do what it takes, and why do you do that? Because you care. Inside you are so soft and gentle, but you get firm about using. You know that's what it takes. Amy, with your loving spirit, you never cease to amaze me. Nancy, your dry wit makes recovery fun, you're a tough cookie but a hillarious one. Raereae, so full of knowlege, your wisdom just shines. T, your loyalty and willingness to learn are a joy to all those who know you. Betsy, Rosanne, you take a gentler aproach, but your strength is amazing.Jacky, forever a positive person on this board, to know you is to love you. Bender and August, you come in with insight and fairness. To all these people, a shining example of intellignece and wisdom, I can only say, I am blessd to know you. You save lives, you saved mine. There are others here who send a good message and who are kind, but these people stand out in my mind. So today I wanted to send out a note of thanks to these people who give so much and do so much. You are respected and apreciated. Your work here does not go unnoticed. Not only are you an irreplaceable necessity on this board,but you are full fo warmth and compasion. It is an honor to know you. So for all the effort you have put forth, for the information you have shared, for the friendship you have given, an enourmous thank you. You all helped to save my life, steer me in the right direction and give endless amusement. You are loved, you are respected, and you are spreading the good news of recovery. It is my fondest hope, that all new people will take the time to listen to what you have to say, for their own sakes. Thank you for being in my lfe and thank you for doing what you do. With much love and gratitude, Kat
Dear Kat.........
When you told me that you were going to post something on this board I did not expect to read such an eloquent post. The gratitude expressed in your post was done from the heart...........For that I thank you. I know it has been a rough couple of months for many of us but reading this makes it really worth it! Thank you for your continued support and friendship.........

Love ya, Russell

I'm sorry that I missed you all day long yesterday and didn't get to chat with you or any of my friends tonite. What can I say about you that I have not told you many times before. I love you more than I could ever express with mere words. I am so proud of you and your continued desire to stay in recovery at any cost.When we first chatted together, I remember telling you to educate your self about addiction and recovery, told you the way that I got clean and have stayed clean and by gosh you just took the ball and ran with it. We went a few months without talking again, but when we did we just became immediate friends. Our friendship is one of honesty, courtesy, respect, and genuine love for one another. We keep each other clean, we can share anything with each other, say anything to each other and know that it is said with love and kindness. WE are also so blessed to have Rus with us to share our recovery and love. He knows how much he is loved by me and you. We tell him at least everyday but even if we didn't he would feel it and know it in his heart. I don't have to mention any of our other friends in this post , they know who they are and how much they are loved and respected.

Kat, my sister, I pray for our continued success in recovery. We have had a lot of ups and downs but thru it all we have helt our head high and preservered and with the help of God we shall continue to do so. I will hold you in my heart as the dearest friend I have ever had in my life.

With that, Get out and vote tomorrow.

Love you,

What a wonderful post. Everyone you mentioned, including yourself and Sharon have been such a big help and truly a great inspiration to me on my path to recovery. There are many more, but I would like to thank you and Sharon for your posts. Your true friendship, the way you help each other, well, lets just say, I think it is wonderful. And Rus, well, we all know he has always been there for everyone. So kind and compassionate. I think all of you are a great inspiration, oldtimers and alot of newcomers, as well. I think this board has really taken a turn in the right direction. God bless all of you.

Kat, thank you so much for that wonderful post! You have a great way with words...and I am so honored to have been included in it. I know I am not very controversial...but I am still working on staying clean so I don't give much advice....only comfort/support when I can. It really made my day that you even remembered me....thanks again. Have an awesome day....xoxox
I dont know what to say.... only thanks comes to mind... I think if you read my last few posts, you can see the turmoil I have been the last weeks or so and your words really mean alot especially now... I has felt like no one listens or even cares... and as I have said before now some even question the motive behind the message I try to give....
I, for once in my life will not make this a lengthy post...lol.. so just a simple thank you... is all that I can say...
God Bless
My dearest Guardian Angel:

You continue to amaze and inspire me. You are my life savior, in tandem with God, of course. When I was down, you carried in your loving arms and just took me in. Everyone here is blessed to have you in their lives. I know the road to recovery is a long and arduous one, but I know in my heart that you and the others will be there for me if I may run out of gas and come to my rescue. When I finally admitted to myself and my family that I was an addict, even though they expressed support and love for me, they had no waying of walking in my shoes. It wasn't until I found the love and true understanding with you and everyone else we know, that I truly knew that I would be okay and could conquer this mountain! So to Kat and everyone else who has supported and loved me, and you know who you are, my sincere heartfelt appreciation. You are the light and the end of my tunnel.

I Love you all
Love you too, T

i'm not sure what to say but thank you. i think you have done more for me than i could ever have for you. you have continued to support me and my struggles. always there when i need you. thank you for being you. and i'm proud to be your friend.
Kat.. you couldn't of written that any better. You are so right, those people have not gotten the apprciation that they deserve. Or respect. We have no idea how lucky we are to have them in our lives and in our recovery. Without this little hodgepodge of a board, I don't want to think about where I'd be today.

You are a such a sweetheart. It takes someone with real heart and soul to feel others pain and then do something about it. I'm so grateful to calll you my friend.

Love you girlie

Just wanted to know. In your opinion, was this withdrawl harder than the previous one? Reading what you wrote, it appeared that it was. I have always wondered why it would be as hard if you had cleaned off the receptors or whatever it is that opiates attach to...that it would not be as difficult or as long the next time. Anyone who knows the scientific answer to this question, or who has lived it, I would really like to know.

It certainly seems like the more relapses someone has, the more difficult they become and you would think it would not be that way! Help me out here ok?
And Marie, I'm so glad that you are over the top of the mountain and are coasting down toward normal life again. You have worked so hard and you really deserve the reward you get at the end...God bless.

Hi Kat,
Nice post, we've had some great conversations about recovery as well as everyday life. We have had our moments of, lets say, sillyness, as well. I'm glad through growing in recovery we can still be civil to one anther and not sweat the small stuff. I can honestly say I'm glad your doing well.
Take care...................................God bless..........................................Bob
HI KAT" i agree 100% with you on the members who have put there own pain aside and took the time to show there support and showed that there are still people in this world who care enough to help others with there addiction to let them know they are not alone and it can be done i know it can because iam clean today because of a number of members u have mentioned in your post" bless there hearts each and every one of them and if i can help even just one person on this post to me that would be the greatest gift that no amount of money can buy" kat u are a dear sweet person catch u later please take care. HUGS + LOVE LITTLE H.
Hey Clancy-

To be honest, before I went to Pain Mgmt. it seemed that this WD was worse than the last one. However, once I did the Methadone taper - I really had no WD symptoms at all - only a little nausea and tired (still tired). I'm so used to that "fake" energy that I got from those little monsters!!!

I wouldnt recommend anyone to try Methadone on their own - if the correct doseage is not taken, methadone could be highly addictive and I have been told that the WDs from meth. are WAY worse than percocet or any other opiate based pill.

I still do have pain, but take motrin (slightly higher than the recommended doseage) which my dr. says is OK. He offered me tramadol, then I came to find out that tramadol was very addictive as well. Thank God I didnt take that!!

I go to the Chiropractor usually twice a week. When I get up the energy, I want to begin with some light exercising, because I HAVE gained weight with all those chocolate cravings!!!!!

I just cant wait to get my real "energy" back. I know I have to have patience. This didnt happen overnight - so it takes alot of time to get back to "normal". Whatever that may be:o) .

You take care. God bless.


P.S. Clancy, thanks for the kind words. You are so sweet and I really do appreciate it. Its the little things that count - to me anyway. Thanks again!!
Kat..be very proud of yourself..you started a thread that has become so very worthwhile and productive.

I love you
Dear Kat,

Your posts, Kat, have always been delivered with a sense love and humility. However, this post was different. Not only did you go out of your way to thank many wonderful people - something for which I will never forget, but you have shown how far you have come since you began posting here. You've learned so much, tackled many problems, and have never wanted to do anything but help yourself and others.

In the short 27 years of my life, I have learned one bedrock principle - something I learned many years ago as a peer counselor in high school. Something that, through the years, has been reinforced by an amazing person. Helping someone, no matter what may be the problem, allows that person to walk a little taller and raise their head a little higher. And while they can, they must.

I'm so glad that we've all had a positive influence on you, Kat. Everyone that you have mentioned brings such diverse qualities to this forum. By letting those people know will leave an indelible imprint on their hearts. I know you have left one on mine.

You are a great person and, as always, my thoughts and prayers are with you, Kat.

Hi to all of you who answered this post. When I came on just now and read everyone's response, well......my cup just runneth over. What an awesome group of people! When you're still young in recovery, in my case anyway, you can want so badly to give back what is given you, but you're not always sure how. The best way I can think of at this time is to let people know what they've done, and how much they matter. What special people to learn from you all are. My love, Kat
you are one very special gal.
Hi Kat...
Thankyou for the kind words...you know they mean so much to me.
Thankyou for keeping me included.
Thankyou for letting me laugh with you, cry with you...
Pray with you.

Thankyou for keeping it real, without the phony filler.

Thankyou for accepting me.
Thankyou for your friendship, for your love.
Thankyou...for you.

Your sis, Nancy


Your post was to Kat, but I just had to jump in here and tell you how much you are loved by all of us. You are such a good friend and you bring no BS with your friendship. WE always know where we stand with you and the love just radiates from you. Thanks for being my friend, I am a better peson for knowing you. And you make me laugh......I love that about you. Hope we can talk again soon.

Love you,