Hello everyone,
I am wondering if anyone can lead me to some information sites. My nephew passed away two years ago from a cocaine overdose. It was a terrible death. He was 32 years old. He was my sister's oldest son and the one she was the closest to. My sister will not seek support groups or anything that I have suggested that might help her cope with this loss. She blames herself, which is probably not uncommon. She does not understand addiction and basically she feels she is responsible for his death.
Some of the things she is going through are "I should have known he had a problem" "What kind of mother am I" "If I gave him more attention when he was small he wouldn't have turned to drugs" Nothing I say will convince her that this is NOT her fault. She has resigned herself to this fact. Although she is on anti-depressants, they don't help and I have tried to explain addiction and I get no where.
What I am looking for are some websites where I might be able to get some information on addiction and what it actually is so t hat I might print some things for her (she doesn't have a computer). Or maybe there are some good books I might be able to purchase for her that might help her understand.
Any suggestions from anyone would really really help me.
Thank you all,
Tell your friend she can try Nar-Anon
This group may help her understand that the problem was her son's, not hers. They have some wonderful litterature she can get at a meeting without having to attend one (if she is not inclined to).
I almost killed myself too. It certainly was not my mother's fault. She gave a lot of attention when I was a child. Emotional predisposition had a lot to do with my addiction. Maybe it's the same with your friend's son, who knows?
Good luck :O)
This group may help her understand that the problem was her son's, not hers. They have some wonderful litterature she can get at a meeting without having to attend one (if she is not inclined to).
I almost killed myself too. It certainly was not my mother's fault. She gave a lot of attention when I was a child. Emotional predisposition had a lot to do with my addiction. Maybe it's the same with your friend's son, who knows?
Good luck :O)