PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT LET KIWI keep you from posting. I agree with you, he is just a miserable person and has nothing nice to say from what I have read to anybody. I let hime get to me for a few days but I'm not going to let him get to me anymore. JUST IGNORE HIM THAT'S WHAT I SAY !!!!!
You have been a great person and have offered alot of words of encouragement. I have gained alot from this board and the people here. But Kiwi has been rude to me since my very first post. I told my story of relapse and lying to my husband and his remark was "WOW-relapsed already AND lying to your husband? WOW"
That was not "tough love". There was no benefit to that statement whatsoever except to sit on his high horse and kick someone when they are down. I couldn't believe someone could be so cruel. His tactics are what are dangerous here, not my post about desperate lengths. I am so tired of him upsetting people that are already hurting and then a few come to his defense and say that he just tells it like it is and make excuses for him. If anyone else had objected to my previous post, I wouldn't have thought twice, but literally everytime I have posted something he has had something negative to say. That is not what I came here for. It is amazing how the same person gets people going over and over. So he said that no one was going to "kiss my butt and beg me to stay". I wasn't expecting that. I just thought he might be interested in knowing that he is the cause of making someone leave this board that truly needs to be here.
I really hope you do well in your recovery, ky, and I will pray for you and those here that are in need.
Take care,
That was not "tough love". There was no benefit to that statement whatsoever except to sit on his high horse and kick someone when they are down. I couldn't believe someone could be so cruel. His tactics are what are dangerous here, not my post about desperate lengths. I am so tired of him upsetting people that are already hurting and then a few come to his defense and say that he just tells it like it is and make excuses for him. If anyone else had objected to my previous post, I wouldn't have thought twice, but literally everytime I have posted something he has had something negative to say. That is not what I came here for. It is amazing how the same person gets people going over and over. So he said that no one was going to "kiss my butt and beg me to stay". I wasn't expecting that. I just thought he might be interested in knowing that he is the cause of making someone leave this board that truly needs to be here.
I really hope you do well in your recovery, ky, and I will pray for you and those here that are in need.
Take care,
Tracy you just keep on posting ok. I finally just starting letting him know how I felt about him. Don't let 1 bad apple spoil the whole bunch. Others are here for you, I come to realize that not everyone is going to be as understanding as the next guy. I will listen and I'm sure there are many others who will as well. Hang in there and keep your chin up.
Yes, Sunshine, I agree with kmissy -- don't like that A$$ bother you. I guess he can get noticed by being so abusive. I, for one, will absolutely ignore him and when I see his name or atavar, I will scroll past his post. Can you do the same? Please? We really don't want you to leave because of one stupid person. Just scroll......
I hope you saw my post on the other thread, too.
I hope you saw my post on the other thread, too.
That is good advice. I will just ignore him because I need this board. I would have never been able to call my pharmacy and come clean or get through my w/ds if it weren't for some of you. I guess his post was just the straw that broke the camels back. I am ashamed of myself for letting him get to me like this and making such a big deal. My announcement to leave was not some attention getting grand gesture as he insignuated, that is truly how I felt in the heat of the moment. Thanks for making me come to my senses :)
I am so glad to hear that. Like I said, I felt ashamed and was going to quit talking, but after I though about it, I just started ignoring him, it's the best thing.
Tracy Im glad you desided to stay.Kiwi yes can be so harsh sometimes but I think he is trying not to be so harsh,.If you feel hes out to hurt you just dont answer him.I liked & answered your question & as I said if it was brought up in group than I think it would be ok & helpful to address it here too.Keep hanging on OK....mj