Lorcet Withdrawals! Help!!!

Hi, It's 1:30 am. I found this site and it's nice that I can maybe get an answer from someone who may be reading this. I had two surgeries within the past 2 months; one for 2 herniated discs in my neck and a spinal fusion with plating and another on my breasts. Both surgeries were painful and both doctors were giving me Lorcet tabs. I took my last two on Saturday morning. By the afternoon I started getting the chills really bad and sneezed quite a few times. I did take a xanax and finally fell asleep at 3:00 a.m. early Sunday morning. Yesterday, Sunday, I was a wreck. I slept for about an hour in the afternoon but that was it. I took a hot bath with aromatherapy oils, etc., but it did nothing! By the way I had been taking Lorcet about 2-3 months before the surger because of the intense pain then he finally performed the surgery at the end of July. My question: I believe I am getting more lorcets tomorrow. Should I start weaning off by taking 1-2 a day, or just completely stop altogether. I'm going back to work next week after being off for three months, so I need my sleep. Should I tell the doctor to give me something for withdrawals? I have taken ambien but it does absolutely nothing. If I don't take any more Lorcet at all, how much longer, based on me using these things for about 6 months, is the withdrawal symptoms going to last? I'm tired but I can't sleep!!! I'm frustrated and sad and feel very alone. I went through rehab 3 years ago for 23 days after being on darvocet for 7 years. That was very hard, but I thought my symptoms would be a little easier since I wasn't taking these very long. Can someone please help and, if possible, tell me what to tell my doctor, cause I'm kind of embarassed. Also, if there is something over the counter that can help me with my sleep, or relax me, please let me know!! I will await anyone's reponse. I do need it!!! Thanks.
Claudia, when you talk to your doctor (today?), simply describe the symptoms you feel when you go without for a day and tell him/her you're worried that you've become physically dependent on them after 6 months. Tell him you want to get off them completely, but want to sleep and work at the same time. Then try to follow his advice.

If you're mentally addicted to them, a full taper will be really difficult, but not impossible. Since you haven't been taking them for very long, your w/d's likely won't be too bad -- I was taking 20-30 hydro 10's a day, for about 6 months, tapered down to 6/day, then went cold turkey -- and it was definitely doable at home. But it's hard to predict.... Sleep disturbance is definitely a problem. Some people fing Benadryl works well, others use teas such as "Sleepy Time." Many swear that a long walk before bedtime really helps. The physical w/d's off hydro last 3-6 days generally. After that, staying off the pills is a bigger challenge -- and generally requires support and some typr of long-term recovery program or plan. Good luck to you Claudia ...let us know how it goes today. M.