Lost And Confused

I met K 7 months ago. I knew he was a recovering addict. He said he was clean for 8 months, I believed him. There has been more than one time I thought him to be on some kind of drug. I know he smokes pot and drinks, but he would be nodding off constantly, and since H was his drug of choice, my suspicions began. I am so in love with him and in serious denial. I recently found out that he gave me a stolen credit card to pay mis cell phone bill, which is in my name. I called his mother, and all the lies came out. He has been lying to everyone. I can't seem to leave him. I don't know what to do. If he is an active user, I'll probably catch HIV or Hep C or some ungodly disease. But when I am with him, I still deny everything. I feel like a victim, like he's an addiction to me or something. How can I just walk away like all my friends and family tell me? I have not confronted him yet, his mom wants to wait until she talks to his counselor and see what the best thing to do is. But please someone out there let me know what to do. I am so afraid for both of us.
sounds like you are under the control and domination of an active addict.

with that sort of mental obsession with him as the object, your "attraction" to him will in all likelihood continue until an event occurs that causes or forces you to re-evaluate and want to change your behavior.

i read nothing in your post tending to indicate that you want a change.

in all likelihood, he doesn't love you --what you perceive as love and hope is love is something else (but not love) -- he is incapable of love at this time and surely incapable of returning it.
For your sake, if you haven't yet, please go to the dr's and get blood tests to get yourself checked out for everything! If you continue to engage in sex please protect yourself.....