I have a freind who has been clean from a Love addiction for 18 yrs but just did a back slide, she caught herself & im proud of her but what im needing to know is are there any support groups for just Love addictions?? In the state of Fla.? It is not a sexual addiction for her, just Love :( please feel free to email me @ grinbme@aol.com with any help
How can you backslide after 18 years...I mean like what did she do? I have been addicted to love (the wrong kind obviously) for years and years and am just now coming to terms with it...since my husband is in prison again...I ask myself why do I continue to get with men who are unavailable...when we got to gether however he was out...but even then he was out he was still unavailable due to his many addictions...I have come to realize we are both very ill... not just him...previous husband was an emotionally unavailable alcoholic...so even though he was here physically he was not mentally or emotionally...then I realized I have always picked guys who just couldn't cut it for me and discovered after some reading that it's not them...I mean yes they do have problems but it's me picking them and saying my love will rescue them from their problem...NOT. Anyway hope you reply Cheshire
I am grateful to be clean of my "love addiction" just for today. It was the first sexually satisfying relationship. I lved how i felt in the arms ofmy lover. But life was insane living with an alcholic abuser. I know now that i was addicted to the love/sex/gratification that kept me locked in the chains of hell. Recovery is a blesssing.