Love And Support Needed

There is a woman called BunnyRocker/Lynds on the Family/Partner and Heroin boards who has lived with an addict named Kevin for a while. She has posted about him and she loved him very much and tried to work things out. He committed suicide and I thought it would be nice for everyone to post and show Bunny/Lynds some love and support as she and her daughter meet the challenges of the days/weeks/months ahead.

Please read the following and show some love. Thanks all.

This is the story thread:

There is also a tribute thread started by someone else:
Janet....This is one of the reasons I feel so close to you & love you...You have an amazing heart & so much compassion...Im proud to call you friend...Im on my way there now & thank you for telling us
"Hi all, just a short message to let that Kevin took his own life this morning. I never thought that it would come to this and I am absultely distraught.

He beat me up Saturday morning, so I ended it. I left my home and went to stay with my friend. He begged me and begged me to stay with him but I couldnt....for my daughters sake. She had seen and been through enough and I thought it the right decision to walk away. He called and called me last night begging and he also called round to her house. I told him I would talk to him tomorrow...being today. I spoke to him at 10:00pm last night and agreed to meet up, just to calm him down because he was threatening me with his life. He said without me, life was nothing. He couldnt live without me etc. I went home at 10:00am this morning and I found him hanging from my loft."

thanks for posting this...........

shows exackly where your heart is...............

i love u !

i posted on the first link..............

have a goos night ..............

these are for
right now i am watching my FAVORITE show................

i love new york..........on vh1
Janet,that is absolutely the most horrible thing ive read.I can only imagine what this woman must be feeling like.

Its so sad that people get to the verge where they feel life just isnt worth living,and even more heart breaking is the feelings and guilt and hundreds of other feelings the people who cared for them have to deal with.My heart and prayers are with her and her family.I keep thinking of myself walking in and finding something like that,my god,its just so unbelievable.

I hope she can eventually get that vision out of her head,someday.And she can heal from the torment im sure she is going through right now!~KIM