Made A Huge Mistake

I have a splitting headache this morning. I have taken my non-narcotic migraine medicine (Imitrex and naproxen) and it hasn't helped. In a panic, I called my neurologist to get a refill on my lortabs. As soon as I hung up, i felt nauseas, and not because of my headache, but because of what I have done. So I called back an hour later to see if the nurse got the message and had already called it in. I told the receptionist that I really needed to speak to the nurse and to see if she had called this in already. The receptionist said. "Hang on...." When she came back, she said, "The nurse said she will call take care of that for you and call you, too". What?!?! I meant that I wanted her to talk to me so that I could tell her NOT to call that in. I wanted to be honest with her right then. To tell her NEVER to call lortabs in for me again. Now I don't know what to do. When she calls, do I tell her even after she has called in the refill? Do I just never go get it? Call and cancel it again? My head hurts so bad I can't think straight and I am supposed to go see the addiction specialist again today as well. Help guys. I really screwed up and I don't know what I should do next.
See if you can reach her. If she hasn't called it in stop it. If she has see if she can call the pharmacy and cancel it. It will be too tempting to go get it.
I would just see what the specialist has to say tell him about your headaches and maybe he knows of something different that would work on your headaches Even if the nurse did call them in you dont have to pick them up
Whatever you do, don't get the damn DRUGS!

What are you going through everyday?? Is to get OFF the drugs. To not be a DRUG ADDICT...

When you called back why didnt you tell whoever was on the phone that you changed you mind and dont want the lortabs anymore... You had the chance right there????

Anyone who takes narcotics for a headache has some SERIOUS drug addiction problems. No headache in the world requires narcotic drugs UNLESS your looking for an excuse to get high...

My headaches are out of this world from my fractured back and compressed vertibrates in my neck... I can't even turn my head some days. I get soooooooo mad and frusterated BUT I'll never take narcotics... Out of the question..

Thats what got you INTO THIS MESS isn't it???? Now you want to jump right back in???

How can one pill for a headache work and those other 2 not?? It's just a headache..

If your looking for an excuse to get HIGH then just come out and say it.... You don't need to brew up some story of how you called in the drug refill BUT when you called back to cancel you changed your mind... WAKE UP!

tracy, you have to think about this calmly,if you don't want to have these pills simply call back and tell them to please cancel them and give you something else, it doesn't matter who you talk to at the dr's office the right person will get your message. also think about what your husband is going to think about you when he finds out you caved already? i am not trying to be mean but i know first hand how after a while people can only take so much before they start to think of you differently.he is going to be fed up and you know it. what slse can you get as an alternative? how about darvocet? stay with us tracy don't go to that pharmacy, didn't you call them and tell them not to fill a lortab script again? (the pharm.) i know this is about you but really think about your husband and your baby, tracy he will never look at you the same,do you want to loose him because you have a headach?
Tracy , make sure that you go to that DRS. appointment ! After the appointment , you can call the pharmacy and cancel the prescription .
You are really being tested lately .I see in your posts that you honestly want to stay clean .So many people come on here for a few days and then vanish , I assume to use again in most cases . I believe that you are one of the few who can make it . Please just take it one minute at a time and don't pick up that script . See the DR. and move on from there . You are in my prayers , Rob
don't wait till you see your addiction dr to cancel the lortabs, call now and cancel you don't need temptation all day long do it now
I think you need to come clean with your Dr and Pharmacist, once you do that this can never happen again, and you will not have that option stored in the back of you mind.

You're so right have to set up safety zones for yourself and by taking back your power from the drugs and the hold they have on you, you've won half the battle.

Kiwi has a point as well, no headache is worth going back. You won't die from it. Take a nap and stick it out...

I had a migraine yesterday too. All the stress from going back to work I think. I didn't reach for a pill bottle (I get to NOT do that anymore). I toughed it out. I know that they aren't going to last for ever. I went to bed early and wa-la, no headache this morning. I survived.

You're looking for excuses Sunny, get real. I hope that you called the nurse and told them to cancel it. Now, get back to your recovery! You can do this, this was just a little bump in the road.

Ya I agree Tom I didnt have a chance of getting clean without telling my doctor I didnt want to but I knew I had too
Sunshine soon I feel your pain I get terrible headaches too, and it is a huge temptation to take a narcotic because we know that it will not only ease the pain but it will also give us that high that we so love to look for. See I relate my headaches to the drugs sometimes I get migraines and I used to pop a pain pill to take the edge off, so when I get one it takes me right back there... I found that there are other alternatives they dont give you the high but they do work. Hot compresses on the neck, a warm cup of sleepytime tea and most of no bright lights.... Oh yea and if you can get to sleep that works great. Just call the office back and tell whoever answers the phone that you dont need the perscription and to cancel it if it was already called in and you are tempted to pick it up call someone that knows about your addiction have them pick up the perscription and flush it. Honestly you need to be strong the headache will pass........ the addiction doesnt!

Love and Prayers
i agree it is the only way i quit was to cut off all supplies, please consider this because the more you know that you can get them if need be the more your addiction is going to crave the pills. you have to really believe in your mind that narcotics are not an option anymore and focus on alternatives. i know if i knew i could just call my dr. to get a refill i would have never been able to get to today clean. please think about it and talk to your addiction spec. today. please take care and no matter what please post with an update no matter what we are here for you love cfm
I agree 100% cfm.. It is critical in the early stages especially, willpower alone is not enough. If I had access within the first couple months clean I would have used. no doubt about it. We will always have "oppurtunites" with pills crossing our paths, the key I think is to have tools set in place to deal with the urges... Tools I do not think we have early in recovery.. just my 2 cents.

Best Regards,
tracy, are you going to reply? we are all worried about you, just let us know you are ok
Sunshine Soon ,

Have you told your neurologist and nurse about your addiction? If so, are they STILL willing to prescribe them? If they are willing, it is time to get a new neurologist who will NOT prescribe them. If they don't know, you have to tell them. You must, NOW.

I also get migraines and that is how I first got pain pills. I have found I get relief from non-narcotic sources. Also, excessive use of narcotics, particularily in conjuction with acetomophin, has been implicated in rebound headaches.

As an example, all my doctors have been notified about my opiate addiciton and are instructed "no opiates". I better be in physical shock before painkillers are even considered.....

Are you willing to do whatever it takes.....I least will credit you for your honestly. But... your actions possibly indicate you are not willing to let them go...Note: They are NOT a safety blanket......

If nothing changes....nothing changes....Change doesn't happen by itself. It requires some elbow grease......
The nurse called back....the first words out of my mouth were, "did you call my refills in yet?"
"No, not yet....the receptionist said to call you"
Thank God. I told her that I am having a full-blown migraine, I am vomitting, I am home alone with a baby and I DON"T want to take narcotics. I fessed up that they don't take the headache away, they just take the edge off. She said "Well that is better than nothing, honey I can call you in something"....No, I have a problem taking those responsibly. I told her please, do not ever write those for me again. She asked if anyone could bring me in for a shot of demerol (what?!?!??!) and I said no.
I feel better that I did that, but I can't go to my other Dr. today. I can't drive. I can't see straight. I just thought I would let you guys know what's going on.
Oh,and Kiwi, I hope you get a migraine.
Thanks everyone for pulling me out of that. Just a bump in the road, as you said. Love you guys,
hello there, i am coming up on 4 months and i remember when i first started my wd, i went down to the pharmacy and cancelled the refills myself. told the pharmacist and he right in front of me cancelled per patient request. i knew that i had to do this and cut all my ties with any methods of obtaining narcotics. the dr who wrote them has since retired. once you start this journey it is very important to cut all ties. just know that you dont have to use or pick up today. if you dont pick up that script it will be returned to the shelf. be willing to do whatever it takes to stay clean. its all about the choices we make.

take care

WHEW. ! can't tell you how proud of you I am ! Tracy , I know you must be feeling awful right now but you have to get some kind of support other than this board . For a crises such as this ! If you had someone who lived close to you , they would have been able to come over to your house and help you through it ,or even drive you to the Dr . I am sorry that you are feeling so poorly .Just remember you just took a huge step in recovery .Good job , Rob

Good going Tracey,

You did the right thing, meds can not be in the house. You really should be proud of yourself.

all the best,

Sunshine - Ive had alot worse then migranes. So don't worry about me and yes Im still clean and kicking.