O.K. I cannot taper..I am prolonging and B.S.ing myself..yes, my back is killing me..but today my husband said for the first time how much he disliked my "high" chatter and behavior..like I embarrassed him or something..feel so ashamed and like a failure..Admitted to myself how powerless I am..wanted support and honestly, sympathy from my husband...very dissappointed. Tomorrow I am going to be evaluated at Detox..going in Monday..very scared.If I'm getting sick from cutting down to 5 oxys a day, how will I deal? What do they use? I am also addicted to Xanax and don't think I can get off both in 7 days(can't stay longer) Do they go thru your stuff? What can I expect? I am scared but I know this is the best thing...been going on since Dec....toooooo long..too many surgeries too close(too damn vain) Rhino and Boob job in 1 year. My mom died and left me some $$ and I went crazy...should have spent time accepting myself and trying to cultivate other less superficial qualities..Any response is appreciated..I feel so alone right now..I know I'm not.Tired of all the lies and secrets and self-loathing....ENOUGH!!!! Thanx guys...Bless you all,Sharonn
i wish you luck!!!
i can not give to much advice cause im going in on tuesday but there are some good careing people here that will help you..im in the area of 40 10mg hydros a day right now and im haveing alot of trouble copeing to
good luck
i can not give to much advice cause im going in on tuesday but there are some good careing people here that will help you..im in the area of 40 10mg hydros a day right now and im haveing alot of trouble copeing to
good luck
Hi Sharon:
Thanks for your post. When I read about your husband not liking your "high chatter" that brought back a lot of memories. All I can share with you is my experience. I was taking 20-30 Norco's a day plus Soma. I quit, I was sick but I didn't die. It is over one year now and I am so grateful to not have pills running my life. I know how you feel and I know you are scared but you can have your life back. There are many examples of recovery on this board.
Thanks for your post. When I read about your husband not liking your "high chatter" that brought back a lot of memories. All I can share with you is my experience. I was taking 20-30 Norco's a day plus Soma. I quit, I was sick but I didn't die. It is over one year now and I am so grateful to not have pills running my life. I know how you feel and I know you are scared but you can have your life back. There are many examples of recovery on this board.
Thank you..I am glad you are well.