Making A Contract

making a contract with yourself.
i've been thinking abouit this. an addiction spc doctor told me this.
staying clean is about making a contract with yourself not to use.
he was saying it has to be to the point in your life where come hell or high water i will not get high. make a contract with yourself that you would rather be sick and withdrawl a thousand times over than go back to the insanity of addiction and getting high. making a contract is about not allowing yourself any outs to pick up again. its about making yourself accountable to yourself.
i don't know sounds real and honest.

just some food for thought.

opinions welcomed


God is that the truth. In the end our recovery depends on ourselves and out ability to hold ourselfs accountable. If it is for any other reason family, friends, job ect.. it will not work for long. We have to want this life for ourselves and for no other reason. I think looking at it like a contract with yourself is an excellent way of looking at it. Thanks for sharing, it is a topic that all of us need to explore and examine if our recovery is for the right reasons.
Thanks again for sharing,
your pledge (contract) to yourself! from the book I Can Dr Ben Sweetland

quote: "I maintain that it is more important to keep the promises we make to ourselves than it is to keep those we make to others. We have to live with ourselves, and when we continually fail to do the things we intend to do, we lose our self-respect"

This is a very old book (first published 1953!) but there are many truths in it. They actually go on to say that you should draw up a contract (pledge) with yourself and sign it!!!!

Just sharing some of the reading I like.



Hey Now,

Whatever works, is a good thing, right?

More importantly it is so great to see you post Rae-Rae.

If I might steal a line from The Grateful Dead's tune Looks Like Rain..

"I kinda missed having your around"--->which is an understatement.

I hope your are well.

thanks dead

your so right, when i try for others it never last long. doing it for myself makes it harder. but its worth it.

i've never heard of this till my doctor told me, maybe he got it from that book. sounds intresting
