Marijuana Use

I am a mother of an 18 yr. old. She is living at home. She goes to school everyday and works 4 days a week. She had a serious drug addiction 2 yrs ago. Cocaine and marijuana. A drug narc agent came to us an told us about her addiction. Wanting her to testify against the dealers as she was only 16. That scared her enough to quit using drugs and find new friends. Now she had a best friend kill himself 3 months ago and she has taken it very hard. She has ADD and is on medication for that. It is not Ritilin, She is also on an antidepressant since the death of her friend. We have had her to councilors and psycologists in the past without success for depression and ADD. For the past couple of weeks I have been seeing little signs of drug use. A cough, new friends,pupils being diolated and this week I found a marijuana pipe in her car. I confronted her this morning and she didn't deny it. All she could say is that she is sorry. I told her she needed to cut all her ties with her friends, her money is going in the bank with access through me and she needed to start growing up. And she is to come home every night after work. She has 3 months to go at school. Then she will be out on her own. Right now we are paying for school and she is doing well in school. She responded with anger at first, then she apologized,then anger again about not having friends and staying in. I know I can't inforce this but I need help. I don't know what to do. I don't want her killing herself over something like this. And I don't want my life always in an uproar. Any ideas
Hi, I am so sorry for all that you are going through with your daughter. It is a good sign though, that she is honest with you, and that she is still in school. I know what its like to have a best friend die and I am no stranger to depression and ADD. I also suffer from both. I am 35 and have 2 children. my daughter is almost 15 and my son is 6. I have had alot of experience with addictions from both sides of this horrible illness. My brother was on drugs when I was in high school and he put the whole family through hell. I saw what it did to my parents. Especially my mother. I know the damage it does. I also know the other side to. For the past 2 years I have gone through a horrible domestic dispute. I live in a small town. I come from a mid to upper class family and have both of my parents that have been married for 43 years. I, unfortunately, 1 day tried a drug to kinda get me going. really, to wake me up and make me want to do things just around the house. I suffered from depression anyway. I have never had thoughts of suicide but Being raised in church and with a loving family, I often questioned God, why I had ended up llike this. Wishing I could end the hurt that I was so unsure from where it actually started. I never had done drugs before, except what was prescribed for me. All I know is that the one thing that has kept me going is my kids and my moms constant love and support. I know she hates what I've done but still loves me. Please dont give up on her. she needs you. thanks, cricket