Hi guys,
This is really weird. Last night I had a kickin headache at work. Had one of my friends go to my house and get a tab and xanax from hubby to take to me so I could make it through my shift. They did not help at all...well , when I got home my hubby said he had some "good stuff" and see if that would help. Well, I only took two hits and went right to sleep. Here's the weird thing..I have been up for 2 hours getting ready for work and I don't even have the slightest headache. I have not even taken my morning tab and xanax. I feel great. I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have a headache in the morning. But today...no headache..what's in the weed that would help my headaches??? By the way..i don't even like weed..i only take a couple hits sometimes when headaches are really bad ..most the time I throw up..but this time was different. Any thoughts??
Oh man I hate the headaches. Not sure what is in the weed, but I know it helps with my pain if it gets to bad. ( I will take a hit once in awhile for my back and a headache that gets so bad I want to throw up)No wonder they give it to folks that are so sick. Relaxes them, makes them sleep and for some even eat.
Just becareful not to pick up another addiction.
Oh man I hate the headaches. Not sure what is in the weed, but I know it helps with my pain if it gets to bad. ( I will take a hit once in awhile for my back and a headache that gets so bad I want to throw up)No wonder they give it to folks that are so sick. Relaxes them, makes them sleep and for some even eat.
Just becareful not to pick up another addiction.
It's called THC. lol
yeah prolly the xanax, but don't take my word as gosspel, but when i took handfulof pills and had upset stomache the xanax is what i took to subside the that. i am suprised pot makes you sick to your stomache, i thought thats what they give cancer patients who are sick to there stomaches. i could be wrong, what do i now i am blonde. oh and pot is a bad idea to use for w/d, you are substituting one drug for another. it all leads back down the same road in the end. its like chasing your tail in a circle as well as the xanax.
yeah prolly the xanax, but don't take my word as gosspel, but when i took handfulof pills and had upset stomache the xanax is what i took to subside the that. i am suprised pot makes you sick to your stomache, i thought thats what they give cancer patients who are sick to there stomaches. i could be wrong, what do i now i am blonde. oh and pot is a bad idea to use for w/d, you are substituting one drug for another. it all leads back down the same road in the end. its like chasing your tail in a circle as well as the xanax.
THC...LOL they give THC pills to aids folks here in calif.
GM Boo......hows the job going?
I spent 4 hours in hospital w/ Bri last night.........he ended up w/ gout somehow, and then to top it off his blood pressure was at stroke stage, so they kept him till it came down. Well dang.....when your pain is a 15 what do ya think is gonna happen w/ BP?
Stacy hang tough sweetie!!!
GM Boo......hows the job going?
I spent 4 hours in hospital w/ Bri last night.........he ended up w/ gout somehow, and then to top it off his blood pressure was at stroke stage, so they kept him till it came down. Well dang.....when your pain is a 15 what do ya think is gonna happen w/ BP?
Stacy hang tough sweetie!!!
the job is awesome, ilove it!! they wanted me to come in today,my scheduled day off and i was bummed i had to say no,causemy kids are leaving and i have lots to do and my only day to do it, but when they go back to school i'll work whatever they want me too.
the job is awesome, ilove it!! they wanted me to come in today,my scheduled day off and i was bummed i had to say no,causemy kids are leaving and i have lots to do and my only day to do it, but when they go back to school i'll work whatever they want me too.
awwww I am happy for you, what a difference our lives become when we like what we are doing. And such a fulfilling job, I so love my job as a cartaker of seniors...my kids freak when they know I had to clean a poo accident, but dang as a mom it is like a natural thing..lol
I don't have much experience with THC, so I dont know the answer, but I'm sure it was a wonderful feeling to wake up headache free. Do you even remember what that's like?
Probably not a good idea to use THC to cure your headache, but I also know how bad they can be and have had times myself I would have sold my soul for a few moments of peace.
For whatever reason, you have a day free of pain, at least so far, enjoy it girl. Make sure you have the best day ever!
Probably not a good idea to use THC to cure your headache, but I also know how bad they can be and have had times myself I would have sold my soul for a few moments of peace.
For whatever reason, you have a day free of pain, at least so far, enjoy it girl. Make sure you have the best day ever!
Me-again....how's the battle? You still on schedule to get off the pills? Be careful not to trade one addiction for another. Weed can do that.
I don't know if this has come up before but have you heard of bounce back headaches? The more meds you take, the more your headache sticks around. Have you tried going a few days without the loratabs (not the xanax, you can't just stop that)?
I don't know if this has come up before but have you heard of bounce back headaches? The more meds you take, the more your headache sticks around. Have you tried going a few days without the loratabs (not the xanax, you can't just stop that)?
My son has suffered from migraines since age 5. We were unable to get him much relief until he became almost an adult. By 12 or 13 he had missed 35 days of 8th grade, so the doctor put him on Depacote and gave him Imitrex for emergencies. All of that helped, but he always had a headache. I could control that some through diet.
By 16, he was using weed and was headache free. (He stayed on his meds.) I can't tell you the problems, that drug use brought. He abused weed, totally. He did 30 days in jail. He couldn't pass a drug test.
Just this week, he has completed an out patient program to get off of probation. It has taken 4 years and thousands of dollars. You should read the stories on the marijuana board before considering marijuana as a headache remedy.
It can cause a diffrent kind of headache. Good luck. I hate headaches.
By 16, he was using weed and was headache free. (He stayed on his meds.) I can't tell you the problems, that drug use brought. He abused weed, totally. He did 30 days in jail. He couldn't pass a drug test.
Just this week, he has completed an out patient program to get off of probation. It has taken 4 years and thousands of dollars. You should read the stories on the marijuana board before considering marijuana as a headache remedy.
It can cause a diffrent kind of headache. Good luck. I hate headaches.
Cowgirl's got a great point there........................I used to have all kinds of weird aches and pains while I was on the pills.
Now that I am on the suboxone, I dont have any!
I swear you brain is constantly trying to convince itself for a need for more opiates or whatever type of drug it is addicted to.
It happened to me, something to think about.
Now that I am on the suboxone, I dont have any!
I swear you brain is constantly trying to convince itself for a need for more opiates or whatever type of drug it is addicted to.
It happened to me, something to think about.
I'm prescribed 4 7.5's of loritab, and currently 3 1 mg of xanax. They upped my xanax due to the cluster headaches caused by the topomax. I was supposed to drop to 2 xanax yesterday, but due to headache..took 3. I have been only taking 3 tabs a day, with the exception of yesterday...I took 4. I don't think I'll get a weed addiction because it always makes me throw up..except for yesterday. It is only a last resort measure..beats going to the hospital for 4 hours on an I V. Anyway, I'm dropping back down to 2 xanax now and go from there.
Laura...so you're problem is the xanax and not the pain pills? It doesn't sound as if you are abusing the painpills.
It's good that the weed makes you throw up, good deterent. Alcohol does that to me, good thing or I would be a raging alcoholic.
It's good that the weed makes you throw up, good deterent. Alcohol does that to me, good thing or I would be a raging alcoholic.
Ok I'm going to be the one person to disagree here?
Pot makes me feel all my aches and pains worse! It like magnifies it or something. I have been sooo tempted to use it for pain but every single time I do I hurt even more. Boo you are right they do use THC as anti-nausea thingy.
Another drawback? I eat like a maniac!!!! And that i don't need. JMO
Pot makes me feel all my aches and pains worse! It like magnifies it or something. I have been sooo tempted to use it for pain but every single time I do I hurt even more. Boo you are right they do use THC as anti-nausea thingy.
Another drawback? I eat like a maniac!!!! And that i don't need. JMO
I know my problem was the pain meds.and still would be if I let it. I have chosen not to take for pain.....BUT I am still in pain daily, and am learning different ways of dealing with it.
If I get to the point where I am hurting so badl I am crying.I will do anything short of taking a narcotic ( just as many others do on here) I am being HONEST about it........I am not saying to smoke or not to smoke.........we can ONLY speak for ourselves......
I have found that I have gotten relief from a major migraine or my nerve is hurting so badly that
I will smoke a little bit. ( this is a pain pill site, not pot site) so to each his own... everyone looks at it differently..........Thank goodness god made us different.It makes the world go around..
I just hope you can find relief away from your pain pills and xanxas..BUT please talk to your dr about it. When I was taking pills I would wake up with headaches everyday...........Now I get one MAYBE once every other month. Now we are working on trying to figure that out........
I know my girlfriend smokes pot but only a few hits in the morning when she gets home from work and before she goes to sleep at night. I cannot stand the stuff it makes me feel like I am having one big panic attack. I know for her though she has never ever touched anything else and when I met her she was thinking about getting on xanax for her ocd. She has it and it drives me crazy. She is always up doing something or obsessing over something unless she has taken a few hits off of her pot. I dont even know when she has smoked it or not unless she is running around like a nutcase and I know then she has not smokes any. I am not one for any kind of mind altering substance but I would rather her be in pot than xanax and after her hearing about my problems with it she want touch the stuff. I know alot of people disagree with pot or any mind altering chemicals but after seeing her on it and off of it I dont see the big deal if it helps her relax and not run around and obsess over every little thing. She has come off of it several times since we have been together and never have any withdrawals or anything like that. I wish to god that would have been my DOC and not opiates and benzos. I know me being in recovery alot of people would think that this would be a problem for me but it has no affect on my recovery whatsover. Other than it being illegal and all I cannot see what it hurts in her using this for her ocd. That is just my opinion though. love, April
I hear ya. and we are ALL entitled to our own opinions about it.........I am sure someone will jump on the bandwagon and tell us how wrong we are to even talk about it. But AGAIN.this is a pain pill forum not a pot forum,.......so noone should get slammed for stating their feelings. Personally if it helps someone once in awhile ( as compared to being on pills everyday) WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE???? We are not god!!!!!!!!!! We can only speak for ourselves..
I am so looking forward to the day we are all living without pain.
Its nice to go to our medical dr. ( who use to push narcs) but now they are trying all different measures, to help with pain. FINALLY I think some Drs. are cacthing on.
My hun was in so much pain last night......in the past they would push opiates, but now they just gave him a toradol shot, and BP meds to bring his pressure down.....
I hear ya. and we are ALL entitled to our own opinions about it.........I am sure someone will jump on the bandwagon and tell us how wrong we are to even talk about it. But AGAIN.this is a pain pill forum not a pot forum,.......so noone should get slammed for stating their feelings. Personally if it helps someone once in awhile ( as compared to being on pills everyday) WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE???? We are not god!!!!!!!!!! We can only speak for ourselves..
I am so looking forward to the day we are all living without pain.
Its nice to go to our medical dr. ( who use to push narcs) but now they are trying all different measures, to help with pain. FINALLY I think some Drs. are cacthing on.
My hun was in so much pain last night......in the past they would push opiates, but now they just gave him a toradol shot, and BP meds to bring his pressure down.....
When we lived in WI I used to smoke pot with my husband after the kids would go to bed. We'd eat alot. But we smoked alot as time went on. It was easy to get and we didn't see anything wrong with it. He smoked long before I did and I used to hate that stupid look on his face when he was stoned. But then I started too.
When we moved to AZ, I simply gave it up because I don't know anyone who does it and I'm not one to go to bars, so I just don't smoke anymore.
I used to like it, but too much isn't good, just gets ya burned out.
I would never drive on it, or anything because it made me paranoid, but I did have some of the best laughs on it.
My sister in law and I would get some, go to the store, load up on munchies, smoke, eat and laugh at the dumbest stuff, we'd actually have tears streaming down our eyes. Wonder shy I never got addicted to that? Like I said, once I got here, I haven't thought about it at all, just wasn't an option as I didn't know anyone who did it.
When we moved to AZ, I simply gave it up because I don't know anyone who does it and I'm not one to go to bars, so I just don't smoke anymore.
I used to like it, but too much isn't good, just gets ya burned out.
I would never drive on it, or anything because it made me paranoid, but I did have some of the best laughs on it.
My sister in law and I would get some, go to the store, load up on munchies, smoke, eat and laugh at the dumbest stuff, we'd actually have tears streaming down our eyes. Wonder shy I never got addicted to that? Like I said, once I got here, I haven't thought about it at all, just wasn't an option as I didn't know anyone who did it.
My daughter tried weed for her back pain and it worked like magic for the next day......but she couldn't concentrate or control and that is very important to her since she is a manager. She only tried it a few times....was sorry about the side effect of lasting so long in the system.
Hi me again
i have a small j on the nights i really cant sleep and it works for me.
kRAZI. i also take care of the elderly and love it. My kids cant stand the poop stories either
i have a small j on the nights i really cant sleep and it works for me.
kRAZI. i also take care of the elderly and love it. My kids cant stand the poop stories either